2403058 康樂及文化事務署 「社區體育會計劃」 定向教練及運動員工作坊
2303056 Park Orienteering Fun Day Series 2023/2024 公園定向同樂日系列
2309055 晉峰行動代辦《2023二岸四地定向越野錦標賽-兩日賽》香港及澳門區報名
2303054 WMR 世界迷宮定向賽暨本地挑戰 World Maze Race 2023 cum Local Challenge (WOD-世界定向日)
2303053 香港定向總會主辦 2023定向幼苗訓練計劃 2023定向青苗訓練計劃 晉峰行動AA定向隊恆常訓練
2303052 Park Orienteering Fun Day Series 公園定向同樂日系列
2303051 Training Workshops for Orienteering Coaches and Tutors
2301050 AASR2023 晉峰行動短距離排名賽 AA Sprint Ranking 2023
2212049 晉峰行動AA紅隊特別訓練 - 2023年1月至3月
2212049 Apex Action AAred Team Special Training - January to March 2023
2212048 紫隊、橙隊、緑隊 - 晉峰行動AA定向隊恆常訓練
2212048 AApurple, AAorange, AAgreen - AA Orienteering Team Regular Training
2212047 「屬會協辦梯隊訓練計劃」晉峰行動AA定向隊恆常訓練
2208045 第一階段及第二階段野外定向訓練班 - Level 1 and 2 Orienteering Training Course
2206044 2022年7月至9月 AA定向隊啡隊 (八歲或以上)
2206044 AA Orienteering Team Brown Team, July to Sept. 2022 (8 years old or above)
2206043 AASR2022 晉峰行動短距離排名賽 AA Sprint Ranking 2022
2206042 AA定向隊兒童精英紅隊 (8至12歲)
2206042 AA Orienteering Team Kids Elite Red Team (8 to 12 years old)
2205041 WOD Day 1: 2022.5.13 - WOD Day 2: 2022.5.16 世界定向日 (免費參加) World Orienteering Day (Free to Attend)
2205040 第一階段及第二階段野外定向訓練班 - Level 1 and 2 Orienteering Training Course
2205039 AMR+WMR 亞洲+世界迷宮定向賽暨本地挑戰 Asian+World Maze Race 2022 cum Local Challenge
2204038 AA定向隊啡隊 (八歲或以上)
2204038 AA Orienteering Team Brown Team (8 years old or above)
2204037 香港定向總會主辦「屬會協辦梯隊訓練計劃」晉峰行動AA定向隊恆常訓練
2204037 AA Orienteering Team Regular Training, the "Affiliated Club Co-organized Feeder Enhancement Program" Organized by OAHK
2204036 AA定向隊紫隊及橙隊隊員報名(六歲或以上)
2204036 Team Member Registration for AA Orienteering Team Purple and Orange Team (age six or above)
2204035 烏溪沙青年新村定日營練習賽 - Wu Kai Sha Youth Village Day Camp Practice Event
2111034 全民造圖: 定向地圖繪畫入門工作坊 - Everyone Mapper: Introductory Workshop on Orienteering Map Drawing
2112033 訂購AA隊定向戰衣 - Order of AA Team Orienteering Suits
2112032 2022-2023 AA定向集訓隊(主要針對中長距離) - 2023-2023 AA Orienteering Squad (Mainly for Middle/Long Distance)
2112030 AA定向隊隊員註冊 (2022年1月至3月) - Team Member Registration for AA Orienteering Team (Jan. to March 2022)
2112029 AA定向集訓隊(啡隊) 特訓班 - 體能協調敏捷訓練班 - AAOSquad(Brown Team)Physical & Conditioning Training Special Course
2112028 Ocation 定向假期兒童中距離定向連環學習賽 - Ocation,Children's Middle Distance Orienteering Series Learning Competition<
2112027 AA定向隊烏溪沙青年新村日營短途賽練習 - AA Team Wu Kai Sha Youth Village Day Camp Sprint Practice
2112026 香港定向總會2022年發展集訓隊選拔測試前實習班 - Practice for Selection Test of OAHK Development Squad
2111025 AA定向隊家長組 - Parent Group, AA Orienteering Team
2110024 2021.10.18 沿徑定向網上體驗班(精確賽和速決賽) - 2021.10.18 Trail-O Online Taster Class (pre-O and temp-O)
2110023 2021.10.23 AA定向隊 特備中距離野外定向練習 - 2021.10.23 Special Middle Distance Orienteering Practice for AA Orienteering Team
2110022 2021/2022 學界定向錦標賽 - Joint School Orienteering Championships 2021/2022
2110021 2021-2022 AA定向集訓隊 (主要針對中長距離) - 2021-2022 AA Orienteering Squad (Mainly for Middle/Long Distance)
2110020 香港代表隊 及 香港集訓隊 - Hong Kong Team and National Squads
2109019 世界迷宮定向賽暨本地挑戰 - World Maze Race 2021 cum Local Challenge
2109018 香港定向排名聯賽 - 中長距離- Hong Kong Orienteering Ranking League-Middle/Long
2109017 香港定向排名聯賽 - 短距離 - Hong Kong Orienteering Ranking League-Sprint
2109016 2021.9.25 AA特備中距離野外定向練習 - Special Middle Distance Orienteering Practice<
2109015 AA定向隊隊員註冊 (2021年10月-12月) - Team Member Registration for AA Orienteering Team (Oct.-Dec. 2021)
2109014 TerraX 迷宮對決 2021 - TerraX Mazerun Battle 2021
2108013 中距離定向特別訓練班 - Hong Kong Mountain Bike Orienteering Championship (II)
2108012 香港山地單車定向錦標賽(二) - AATeam Wu Kai Sha Youth Village Day Camp Experience Race
2108011 Y2Y 公園定向巡迴賽2021 - Park Orienteering Tournament 2021
2107010 AA定向隊活動報名清單 - AAOTeam Activities Registration List
2107009 AA定向隊烏溪沙青年新村定日營體驗賽 - TerraX Mazerun Battle 2021
2107006 2021香港野外定向會GPS 定向系列二 - HKOC GPS Orienteering Series 2 2021
2107005 AA定向隊 第一階段及第二階段野外定向訓練班 - AATeam Level 1 and 2 Orienteering Training Course
2107004 香港之巔螢火蟲跑 - 跑步+定向+賞螢 - The Top of Hong Kong Firefly Run-Running+Orienteering+Firefly Appreciation
2107003 山海公城短途定向系列 2021 - MOPC Sprint Orienteering Series 2021
2107002 Str8 x TerraX 短途巡迴賽2021 - Str8 x TerraX Sprint Orienteering Tournament 2021
2107001 Pro-Active 短距離系列賽2021 - Pro-Active Sprint Orienteering 2021
康樂及文化事務署 「社區體育會計劃」
Training and Coaching Workshops for Orienteering Coaches and Athletes
A Community Sports Club Programme of Apex Action
Community Sports Club Project of LCSD
香港童軍總會港島第101旅 及 晉峰行動 合辦
報名連結 (額滿即止): https://www.jotform.com/233473058915461
緊張而影響比賽發揮時, 你會如何即使進行調整?
你曾試過因為過於興奮而影響表現嗎? 你又會如何進行調整? 又可以如何運用工具檢視?
比賽時, 雖自覺很專注了, 但仍無法避免一些毛病?
會忽略了一些相關而且重要的信息, 抑或受不相關信息所影響?
或康復後仍感到痛楚? 而安慰劑效應又如何影響康復及表現?
運動心理範疇的技巧, 提昇定向比賽表現, 尤其是提昇在比賽過程中的導航操作效率,
故此, 很值得大家去深入了解及應用焦慮與喚醒控制、專注力及受傷及康復心理學的技巧,
很榮幸可再次邀請經驗豐富的學者陳慶雲先生, 再為我們主講三節不同主題。
Mr. Chan Hing Wan, Owen 陳慶雲先生
• Sport Psychologist in Training (AASP)
• MSc in Performance Psychology
• Graduate Student in Sleep Medicine
• Founder & Athlete (Heroletics)
• Senior Program Manager (AASFP)
2024年10月7日星期一 7:30-10pm (2.5小時)
主題: 焦慮與喚醒控制 Anxiety & Arousal Control
2024年10月14日星期一 7:30-10pm (2.5小時)
主題: 專注力 Concentration
2024年10月21日星期一 7:00-10pm (3.0小時)
主題: 受傷及康復心理學 Injury & Rehabilitation Psychology
工作坊地點: 灣仔 日善街 (詳細地址另行通知)
參加資格: 足16歲的定向教練或定向運動員
報名費: 參加任何一節均是HK$50; 參加其中兩節或全部三節均是 HK$100
報名連結 (額滿即止): https://www.jotform.com/233473058915461
下載海布: Workshops-202410.pdf
備註: 1. 出席者可獲計算中國香港定向總會“認可教練續計劃”個人進修活動的時數;
          2. 將經定向總會申請香港教練培訓委員會“認可教練續領計劃”的時數,
康樂及文化事務署 「社區體育會計劃」 定向教練及運動員工作坊
Training Workshops for Orienteering Coaches and Athletes
An Apex Action Community Sports Club Programme,
Community Sports Club Project, LCSD
練習時, 態度有欠積極, 缺乏信心和進取心!?
比賽時, 雖自覺很專注了, 但仍無法避免一些毛病!?
會忽略了一些相關而且重要的信息, 抑或受不相關信息所影響!?
故此, 很值得大家去深入了解及持續應用動機和專注力的技巧,
為我們主講兩節主題分別為動機 (Motivation) 和專注力 (Concentration) 兩節課題。
Mr. Chan Hing Wan 陳慶雲先生
• Sport Psychologist in Training (AASP)
• Graduate Student in Performance Psychology (Bangor University)
• Founder & Athlete (heroletics)
• Senior Program Manager (AASFP)
2024年3月18日星期一 7-10pm (3小時)
主題: 動機 (Motivation)
2024年3月20日星期三 7-10pm (3小時)
主題: 專注力 (Concentration)
工作坊地點: 九龍觀塘 (詳細地址另行通知)
報名費: 兩節 $150 / 任何一節 $100。
1. 獲接受報名者將會收到繳費通知及詳細的工作坊地址。
2. 每節工作坊講座結束之前, 每位出席者將獲發出席證書, 不另收費。
3. 出席本工作坊講座的定向教練, 可獲計算 OAHK 教練續領個人進修活動
     (教練研討會/工作坊) 的時數(合共六小時)。
Park Orienteering Fun Day Series 2023/2024 公園定向同樂日系列
A Community Sports Club Programme,
Community Sports Club Project, LCSD
AAfunday 1: 2024.01.06 星期六 荔枝角公園 (報到處: 露天劇場)
AAfunday 2: 2024.02.03 星期六 九龍公園 (報到處: 泳池旁邊的廣場)
A: 2000m
B: 1000m
C: 500m
D: 100m (學習賽程)
09:00-11:00 開始報到
09:30-11:30 出發時間段
12:00 活動結束
備註: 已保留部份名額, 可供現場報名, 仍鼓勵預早報名, 以方便有關安排。
AAfunday 1 - https://hongkong.eventorworld.org/Events/Show/553
AAfunday 2 - https://hongkong.eventorworld.org/Events/Show/554
        臺灣定向運動協會 https://www.facebook.com/twoa.org/
三、協辦單位:愛臺灣定向越野俱樂部 https://www.facebook.com/TWORIENTEERING/
四、贊助單位: (待定)
       時間:10月14日 - 10月15日
日期 | 時間 | 內容 | 地點 |
10月14日 | 13:30-14:45 | 報到 | 廈門市中山路步行街 |
15:00-17:30 | 短距離定向賽 | ||
積分賽 | |||
17:30-18:00 | 頒獎 | ||
10月15日 | 09:00-09:45 | 報到 | 中山公園及周邊 |
10:00-11:30 | 短距離定向賽 | ||
積分賽 | |||
11:30-12:00 | 頒獎 |
序號 | 競賽項目 | 組別 | 組別要求 |
1 | 短距離順點賽 | 公開男子組 | 不限 |
2 | 公開女子組 | ||
3 | 青少年男子組 | 中學生 | |
4 | 青少年女子組 | ||
5 | 聽障組 | 需有聽障者證明 | |
6 | 積分賽 | 親子組 | 2-3人1組 |
其中一人須初中以下孩童 |
                         報名鏈接: https://alt.jotfor.ms/AAOTeam/Xiamen2dayhttps://alt.jotfor.ms/AAOTeam/Xiamen2day
(三)報名日期:自即日起接受報名至10月1日止 (或人數額滿為止)。
                         報名者正式報名後即被視為符合並同意 “參賽資格” 條款。
(一) 執行《中國徒步定向競賽規則》;
(二) 比賽地圖執行《國際短距離定向運動地圖規範》 (2019-2版) ;
(三) 仲裁、裁判員由執行單位選派;
(四) 本次比賽採用華瑞健電子打卡系統;
(五) 凡對參賽運動員的成績、裁判員判罰有異議提出申訴者,
WMR 世界迷宮定向賽暨本地挑戰
World Maze Race 2023 cum Local Challenge
2pm-4pm, Sun. 2022.5.14 星期日
(自由出發時間 Free Starting Times)
林村 (獅子會林村青年康樂中心)
Lam Tsuen (Lions Clubs Lam Tsuen Youth Centre)
聯合主辦 Jointly organized by :
林村青年中心 Lam Tsuen Youth Centre
快樂體育 Happy Sports
晉峰行動 Apex Action
WMR2023 Poster 世界迷宮定向賽海報:
AASR2023 Bulletin 通告:
Only a small number of places are reserved for on-site registration.
網上報名 Online Registration:
己報名名單 Registration Update:
世界迷宮定向賽 本地挑戰 Local Challenge, WMR2023
對決賽 Duel Events
根據 16:00 之前下載黑色賽程的成績,
八強第1組 (成績排第4及8)
八強第2組 (成績排第3及7)
八強第3組 (成績排第2及6)
八強第4組 (成績排第1及5)
四強第1組 (八強第1組及第2組勝出者)
四強第2組 (八強第3組及第4組勝出者)
16:45 本地挑戰 對決賽 決賽
四強現金獎: $400 $300 $200 $100
Local Challenge, WMR2023
Duel Events
According to the results of Black course downloaded before 16:00,
only eight runners can participate in Duel events, the Local Challenge.
Quarter-final, Group 1 (results 4th & 8th)
Quarter-final, Group 2 (results 3rd & 7th)
Quarter-final, Group 3 (results 2nd & 6th)
Quarter-final, Group 4 (results 1st & 5th)
Semi-final, Group 1 (Winners of QF Groups 1 and 2)
Semi-final, Group 2 (Winners of QF Groups 3 and 4)
16:45 Final, Duel, Local Challenge
Top 4 Cash Prizes: $400 $300 $200 $100
OAHK Seedling Training Scheme
日期: 2023年4月至2024年3月 (一年期)
幼苗   6-11歲 2012年-2017年出生
青苗 12-17歲 2006年-2011年出生
*1 以2023年計算年齡
*2 歡迎隨時免費試堂兩節
(訓練時間: 下午五時 至 下午七時)
1. AA定向隊紫隊AApurple 逢星期二 香港單車館公園 中央草坪
2. AA定向隊橙隊AAorange 逢星期五 荔枝角公園 露天劇場
*1 另加每月一、兩節, 兩隊同時同地進行 3-4小時的聯合野外(中距離)技術訓練
*2 隊員可免費參加不限場數的 AASR 短途排名賽, 只是沒有以成績而定的 AAdollar 獎勵; 見:
*3 隊員可免費參加另一隊(紫隊AApurple或橙隊AAorange)的恆常訓練;
*4 若遭遇惡劣天氣等原因而需要取消, 不會補課。
每隊名額:30人 (教練學員比例 1:10; 另會額外安排助教)
1. 透過屬會有系統及恆常基本定向訓練,
2. 發掘更多有潛質及有興趣在定向運動發展之兒童,
3. 為晉升至集訓隊或香港代表隊作出準備。
幼苗/青苗訓練計劃的 OAHK 登記費用*︰HK$500/半年
1. 2023年 4月1日 至 2023年9月30日
2. 2023年10月1日 至 2024年3月31日
*1 由AA轉交登記費用給 OAHK;
*2 中途入隊者仍需繳交全費登記費用,每半年為HK$500。
AA定向訓練費用*: 每半年(6個月)為HK$1,600, 每三個月繳交訓練費用一次, 每次為HK$800;
*1 中途入隊者可根據參餘下的訓練節數按比例繳交隊費;
*2 因名額所限或其他原因需要等候加入幼苗/青苗計劃者,
      仍可參加同期舉辦的AA定向隊恆常訓練, 每月訓練費為HK$400。
1. 透過屬會自行招募學生,藉以加強總會的年輕參加者;
2. 積極培訓學員使其有能力晉升至集訓隊接受更高階的訓練;
3. 屬會可根據總會指引靈活設定訓練內容及時間提供基礎定向訓練;
4. 鼓勵學員參加香港定向排名聯賽以提升定向技能及藉以增加參賽經驗。
幼苗/青苗訓練計劃的證書:全年出席率達80%的學員將會獲發證書 (不另收費)
鼓勵獲接受加入幼苗/青苗訓練計劃的隊員, 如尚未成為香港定向總會會員,
以本會或其他屬會名義申請成為香港定向總會會員*, 以便參加香港定向總會的香港定向排名聯賽, 以戰養戰。
*1. 香港定向總會會員註冊:
*2. 如何到香港定向總會 Eventor World 建立帳戶及取得 Eventor World ID 以作為總會會員號碼:
AA 晉峰行動 (Apex Action) 簡介:
AA 於2010年8月5日成立, 是香港定向總會 (OAHK) 屬會之一。
成員當中, 包括有豐富野外定向經驗的定向教練及各類技術人員。
我們致力推動香港定向運動的發展, 積極舉辦各類定向活動。
AA 晉峰行動的宗旨:
1. 推廣野外定向活動;
2. 舉辦野外定向比賽及訓練活動;
3. 促進和加強年青運動員在野外定向方面的發展;
4. 提高地區層面的體育運動水平;
5. 鼓勵會員及大眾終身參與體育運動;
6. 選派代表出席/參與 OAHK 的活動;
7. 推薦會員申請成為 OAHK 的會員;
8. 舉辦聯誼活動增進會員之聯繫
1. 及早尋覓及提拔有潛質的青少年運動員;
2. 提供基礎的學習、體能訓練及技術訓練;
3. 鼓勵隊員以戰養戰, 積極參加公開賽;
4. 爭取經驗和成績, 期望憑良好成績申請入選香港定向總會集訓隊, 作進一步訓練;
5. 安排興趣組, 吸引和鼓勵青少年藉著定向的訓練, 促進其持續性參與運動的興趣;
6. 訓練重點在因材施教、留意隊員訓練進度以調整個別訓練策略;
7. 體能、技術、心理、定向知識和團隊精神皆會列入訓練範圍。
教練: 香港定向總會一級至三級教練
助教: 根據隊員訓練人數, 將額外安排助教, 助教均為富有實戰及國際比賽經驗的定向運動員
1. 會另行通知獲接受申請入隊的隊員有關的繳費資料;
2. 歡迎隨時申請入隊;
3. 中途加入者會在參加正常訓練前可獲個別教導;
4. 會為隊員撰寫季度訓練報告;
5. 鼓勵隊員申請成為香港定向總會 (OAHK) 會員、
6. 將鼓勵隊員參加公園定向訓練班、第一階、第二階段野外定向訓練班、
7. 隊員會自動接受晉峰行動AA定向隊傑出隊員獎勵計劃的評核:
WhatsApp 查詢: 93708444 (陳教練)
電郵 Email: aa@apexaction.com
Park Orienteering Fun Day Series 公園定向同樂日系列
A Community Sports Club Programme,
Community Sports Club Project, LCSD
AAfunday 1: 2023.04.01 星期六 香港單車館公園 露天劇場#
AAfunday 2: 2023.04.07 星期五 維多利亞公園 山丘涼亭#
AAfunday 3: 2023.04.08 星期六 荔枝角公園 露天劇場#
AAfunday 4: 2023.04.10 星期一 寶馬山 寶馬山道遊樂場#
A: 2000m
B: 1000m
C: 500m
D: 100m (學習賽程)
9:00am-11:00pm 報到時間段
9:30am-12:30pm 出發時間段
1:00pm 活動結束
個人報名費: HK$20/人/日
30人或以上集體報名費: HK$10/人/日
Training Workshops for Orienteering Coaches and Tutors
A Community Sports Club Programme,
Community Sports Club Project, LCSD
Online Registration: https://form.jotform.com/230594174247459
Download Group Entry Excel File: https://tinyurl.com/4wt5c4a2
Organizer: Apex Action 晉峰行動
Learning hours: Total 8 hours (22/3, 23/3 and 30/3/2023, 3 evenings)
Venue: Wan Chai District (the detailed address will be announced separately)
Entry Fees: $200 for all 3 sessions; $150 for any 2 sessions; $100 per session
Capacity: Max. 15 participants (on a first-come-first-served basis)
Session 1
22/3/2023 (Wed) 7-10pm (3 hours)
• Develop students’ life skills through sports
• Communication skills to students and parents
• Coaching students with SENs and gifted
Guest Speaker
Ms. Leung Tim Ying, Tianna 梁添瑩女士
• Registered Teacher
• Master of Teaching in Early Childhood Education and Family Studies
• Professional Diploma Programme in General Counselling
Session 2
23/3/2023 (Thurs) 7-9pm (2 hours)
• Fitness training method
• Running gait and posture
• Sports injury prevention
Guest Speaker
Mr. Ng Wing Cheuk 吳榮卓先生
• Registered Athletic Coach (IAAF Level 2)
• Bachelor of Education Programme in Sports Training
Session 3
30/3/2023 (Thurs) 7-10pm (3 hours)
• General psychology - application in sports
• Positive psychology
• Stress management (mindfulness, breathing and body scan)
Guest Speaker
Ms. Kwok Ching Han 郭靜嫻女士
• Registered Social Worker
• Assistant Lecturer (Counselling Practicum Consultant), HKU
• Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher
Online Registration: https://form.jotform.com/230594174247459
Download Group Entry Excel File: https://tinyurl.com/4wt5c4a2
AASR2023 晉峰行動短距離排名賽 AA Sprint Ranking 2023
AAdollar Award and Results - AAdollar 獎勵 及 成績
截止報名 Registration Deadline:
各場比賽前六天的星期一晚上 23:59 時
23:59 hour, Monday, 6 days before each competition.
晉峰行動AA紅隊特別訓練 - 2023年1月至3月
對象: 六歲或以上
Apex Action AAred Team Special Training - January to March 2023
Target: Aged 6 or above
Online Registration Link:
(Scroll down the page to view the English Version)
1. 及早尋覓及提拔有潛質的青少年運動員;
2. 提供基礎的學習、體能訓練及技術訓練;
3. 鼓勵隊員以戰養戰, 積極參加公開賽;
4. 爭取經驗和成績, 期望憑良好成績申請入選香港定向總會集訓隊, 作進一步訓練;
5. 安排興趣組, 吸引和鼓勵青少年藉著定向的訓練, 促進其持續性參與運動的興趣;
6. 訓練重點在因材施教、留意隊員訓練進度以調整個別訓練策略;
7. 體能、技術、心理、定向知識和團隊精神皆會列入訓練範圍
AA紅隊特別訓練主要在星期六、日或假期舉行, 約每月兩節訓練。
對象: 六歲或以上 (以本年年份計算年齡)
教練: 香港定向總會一級至三級教練
助教: 富有實戰及國際比賽經驗的定向運動員
本期一共有下列六節的特別訓練 (可以逐節報名), 每節於舉行前三天的23:59之前截止報名:
R2301 - 2023.01.01 星期日
2 小時 (14:30-16:30)
R2302 - 2023.01.25 星期三 (公眾假期)
3 小時 (14:00-17:00)
柯士甸山遊樂場、山頂花園、龍虎山 (野外)
R2303 - Sun.2023.02.12
3 小時 (09:30-12:30)
扶輪公園 (野外)
R2304 - Sat.2023.02.18
3 小時 (14:00-17:00)
藍田 五桂山 (野外)
R2305 - Sat.2023.03.18
2 小時 (15:00-17:00)
R2306 - Sun.2023.03.19
3 小時 (14:00-17:00)
元朗丫髻山 (野外)
訓練隊費: 每節$200
Online Registration Link:
WhatsApp 查詢: 93708444 (陳教練)
電郵 Email: aa@apexaction.com
網站: Website:
Apex Action AAred Team Special Training - January to March 2023
The purposes of the AAred Team Special Training:
1. Find and promote potential young athletes as soon as possible.
2. Provide basic learning, physical training and technical training.
3. Encourage team members to work hard and actively participate in open competitions.
4. Push them to strive for experience and achievements, and hope to apply with good results to OAHK training squad for further training.
5. Organize interest groups to attract and encourage young people to continue to be interested in sports through targeted training.
6. The focus of training is to teach students according to their aptitude, pay attention to the training progress of them, and adjust personal training strategies.
7. Physical fitness, technology, psychology, orienteering knowledge, team spirit, etc. are all included in the training scope.
AAred team special training is mainly held on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays, about two training sessions per month.
Target: 6 years old or above (The age is calculated based on the current year.)
Coaches: OAHK Level 1 to Level 3 coaches
Assistant Coaches: Orienteering athletes with local and
international competition experience
This special training is divided into six sessions (register one by one training session is accepted), and the registration deadline for each session is by 23:59 three days before the training:
"AA Orienteering Team Regular Training" has the following 3 teams to choose from:
R2301 - Sun.2023.01.01
2 hours (14:30-16:30)
Choi Wing Road Park & Jordan Valley Park
R2302 - Wed.2023.01.25 (public holiday)
3 hours (14:00-17:00)
Mount Austin Playground, Victoria Peak Garden, Lung Fu Shan (field)
R2303 - Sun.2023.02.12
3 hours (09:30-12:30)
Rotary Park (field)
R2304 - Sat.2023.02.18
3 hours (14:00-17:00)
Black Hill, Lam Tin (field)
R2305 - Sat.2023.03.18
2 hours (15:00-17:00)
Yuen Long Park
(Feeder Enhancement Program competition in Tai Tong in the morning)
R2306 - Sun.2023.03.19
3 hours (14:00-17:00)
Ah Kai Shan, Yuen Long (field)
Team Training Fee: HK$200/training session
1. Every time you sign up for a special training session of the red team, you can get a free registration to participate in the AASR short-distance ranking competition held in the same year or receive a AA$50 AAdollar Award;
2. The relevant payment information will be notified separately.
Online Registration Link:
WhatsApp 查詢: 93708444 (陳教練)
電郵 Email: aa@apexaction.com
網站: Website:
對象: 六歲或以上
AA Orienteering Team Regular Training
Target: Aged 6 or above
Online Registration Link:
(Scroll down the page to view the English Version)
晉峰行動 (AA) 於2010年8月5日成立, 是香港定向總會 (OAHK) 屬會之一。
成員當中, 包括有豐富野外定向經驗的定向教練及各類技術人員。
我們致力推動香港定向運動的發展, 積極舉辦各類定向活動。
1. 推廣野外定向活動;
2. 舉辦野外定向比賽及訓練活動;
3. 促進和加強年青運動員在野外定向方面的發展;
4. 提高地區層面的體育運動水平;
5. 鼓勵會員及大眾終身參與體育運動;
6. 選派代表出席/參與 OAHK 的活動;
7. 推薦會員申請成為 OAHK 的會員;
8. 舉辦聯誼活動增進會員之聯繫。
1. 及早尋覓及提拔有潛質的青少年運動員;
2. 提供基礎的學習、體能訓練及技術訓練;
3. 鼓勵隊員以戰養戰, 積極參加公開賽;
4. 爭取經驗和成績, 期望憑良好成績申請入選香港定向總會集訓隊, 作進一步訓練;
5. 安排興趣組, 吸引和鼓勵青少年藉著定向的訓練, 促進其持續性參與運動的興趣;
6. 訓練重點在因材施教、留意隊員訓練進度以調整個別訓練策略;
7. 體能、技術、心理、定向知識和團隊精神皆會列入訓練範圍
第一季訓練:每年 4月至 6月
第二季訓練:每年 7月至 9月
第四季訓練:每年 1月至 3月
對象: 六歲或以上 (以本年年份計算年齡)
教練: 香港定向總會一級至三級教練
助教: 富有實戰及國際比賽經驗的定向運動員
逢星期一 (1月至9月: 5pm-7pm; 10月至12月: 4:30pm-6:30pm)
香港單車館公園 (中央草坪)
逢星期五 (1月至9月: 5pm-7pm; 10月至12月: 4:30pm-6:30pm)
荔枝角公園 (露天劇場)
逢星期日 (3:00pm-5:00pm)
1. 紫隊AApurple及橙隊AAorange約每月月底改往其他地方訓練;
2. 紫隊AApurple及橙隊AAorange假期停課; 若遭遇惡劣天氣等原因而需要取消, 不會補課;
3. 緑隊AAgreen有四天停課, 分別是: 1月1日、1月22日、4月9日及12月31日;
4. 當緑隊AAgreen在同日有公開賽時, 將會預早調動訓練時間; 鼓勵隊員盡量參加公開賽事, 以戰養戰。
5. 隨時歡迎入隊。
每季 (三個月)訓練隊費: HK$1,200
*中途入隊者, 可根據餘下課節, 按比例收費。
1. 歡迎隨時申請入隊;
2. 中途加入者會在參加正常訓練前可獲個別教導;
3. 現役隊員可免費參加不限場數的 AASR 短途排名賽, 只是沒有以成績而定的 AAdollar 獎勵;
4. 現役隊員可免費參加另一隊 (紫隊、紅隊或緑隊)的恆常訓練;
5. 可逐節付費參加AA定向隊於星期六、日或假期舉辦的不定期、針對短中距離賽(公園)、中距離賽的訓練(野外);
6. 會為隊員撰寫季度訓練報告;
7. 鼓勵隊員申請成為香港定向總會 (OAHK) 會員、
8. 將鼓勵隊員參加公園定向訓練班、第一階、第二階段野外定向訓練班、學界定向賽及香港定向總會排名聯賽等;
9. 會另行通知獲接受申請入隊的隊員有關的繳費資料。
Online Registration Link:
WhatsApp 查詢: 93708444 (陳教練)
電郵 Email: aa@apexaction.com
網站: Website:
Team Member Registration for AA Orienteering Team Purple and Orange Team (6 years old or above)
Apex Action (AA) was established on August 5, 2010 and is one of
the affiliated clubs of the Orienteering Association of Hong Kong (OAHK).
Among the members, there are experienced orienteering coaches and various technical personnel.
We are committed to promoting the development of orienteering in Hong Kong
and actively organize various orienteering activities.
The objectives of Apex Action:
1. Promote orienteering activities.
2. Organize orienteering competitions and training activities.
3. To promote and strengthen the orienteering development of young athletes.
4. Improve the level of sports at the regional level.
5. Encourage members and the public to participate in sports for life.
6. Select representatives to attend/participate in the activities of the OAHK.
7. Recommend members to apply for membership of OAHK.
8. Organize social activities to strengthen the connection between members.
The purposes of the AA Orienteering Team Regular Training:
1. Find and promote potential young athletes as soon as possible.
2. Provide basic learning, physical training and technical training.
3. Encourage team members to work hard and actively participate in open competitions.
4. Push them to strive for experience and achievements, and hope to apply with good results to OAHK training squad for further training.
5. Organize interest groups to attract and encourage young people to continue to be interested in sports through targeted training.
6. The focus of training is to teach students according to their aptitude, pay attention to the training progress of them, and adjust personal training strategies.
7. Physical fitness, technology, psychology, orienteering knowledge, team spirit, etc. are all included in the training scope.
AA Orienteering Team Regular Training:
Training Season 1: April to June every year
Training Season 2: July to Septembet every year
Training Season 3: October to December every year
Training Season 4: January to March every year
Target: 6 years old or above (The age is calculated based on the current year.)
Coaches: OAHK Level 1 to Level 3 coaches
Assistant Coaches: Orienteering athletes with local and
international competition experience
"AA Orienteering Team Regular Training" has the following 3 teams to choose from:
Purple Team
AA Orienteering Team
Every Monday (Jan.-Sept.: 5pm-7pm; Oct.-Dec.: 4:30pm-6:30pm)
Hong Kong Velodrome Park (Central Lawn)
Orange Team
AA Orienteering Team
Every Friday (Jan.-Sept.: 5pm-7pm; Oct.-Dec.: 4:30pm-6:30pm)
Lai Chi Kok Park (Amphitheatre)
1 AApurple and AAorange teams would normally change to another place at end of each month;
2 No training on holidays for AApurple and AAorange teams;
it will not be made up of the training needs to be cancelled due to bad weather or other reasons.
3.AAgreen team has 4 days of suspension, which are: January 1st, January 22nd, April 9th and December 31st;
4 When there is an open competition on the same day for AAgreen team, the training time will be adjusted in advance;
team members are encouraged to participate in the open orienteering competitions to gain experience from the competition (AA7).
5 Anyone is welcome to join the team at any time.
Team Fee per Training Season (3 months): HK$1,200
If joining in the middle, team fees will be prorated based on the remaining sessions.
1. Welcome to apply to join the team at any time.
2. Those who join in the middle will receive individual coaching before participating in the normal training.
3. Current team members can participate in unlimited AASR Sprint Ranking competitions for free, but there is no AAdollar award based on the result;
4. Current team members can participate in the regular training of another team (Purple Team, Red Team and Green Team) for free.
5. Can pay and participate session by session in the AA Team training, the short distance (park) the middle distance (field) training held irregularly on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays.
6. Coaches would write quarterly training reports for team members.
7. Team members are encouraged to become the members of Orienteering Association of Hong Kong (OAHK).
8. Team members are encouraged to participate in the park orienteering training course, the level 1 and level 2 orienteering training courses, joint school orienteering competitions and the Hong Kong orienteering ranking events, etc.
9. The team members who have accepted their applications will be notified separately of the payment information.
Online Registration Link:
WhatsApp 查詢: 93708444 (陳教練)
電郵 Email: aa@apexaction.com
網站: Website:
對象: 8-12歲
AA Orienteering Team Regular Training,
the "Affiliated Club Co-organized Feeder Enhancement Program"
Organized by Orienteering Association of Hong Kong
Target: Aged 8-12
Online Registration Link:
(Scroll down the page to view the English Version)
晉峰行動 (AA) 於2010年8月5日成立, 是香港定向總會 (OAHK) 屬會之一。
成員當中, 包括有豐富野外定向經驗的定向教練及各類技術人員。
我們致力推動香港定向運動的發展, 積極舉辦各類定向活動。
1. 推廣野外定向活動;
2. 舉辦野外定向比賽及訓練活動;
3. 促進和加強年青運動員在野外定向方面的發展;
4. 提高地區層面的體育運動水平;
5. 鼓勵會員及大眾終身參與體育運動;
6. 選派代表出席/參與 OAHK 的活動;
7. 推薦會員申請成為 OAHK 的會員;
8. 舉辦聯誼活動增進會員之聯繫。
1. 透過屬會發掘更多有潛質及有興趣在定向運動發展之兒童;
2. 有系統及恆常基本定向訓練;
3. 為晉升至 OAHK 集訓隊或香港代表隊作出準備。
1. 及早尋覓及提拔有潛質的青少年運動員;
2. 提供基礎的學習、體能訓練及技術訓練;
3. 鼓勵隊員以戰養戰, 積極參加公開賽;
4. 爭取經驗和成績, 期望憑良好成績申請入選香港定向總會集訓隊, 作進一步訓練;
5. 安排興趣組, 吸引和鼓勵青少年藉著定向的訓練, 促進其持續性參與運動的興趣;
6. 訓練重點在因材施教、留意隊員訓練進度以調整個別訓練策略;
7. 體能、技術、心理、定向知識和團隊精神皆會列入訓練範圍
第一階段訓練: 2022年5月至2023年3月
第二階段訓練: 2023年4月至2024年3月
對象: 8-12歲兒童 (以本年年份計算年齡)
教練: 香港定向總會一級至三級教練
助教: 富有實戰及國際比賽經驗的定向運動員
AA定向隊AA1梯隊 Feeder Enhancement Program
逢星期一 (1月至9月: 5pm-7pm; 10月至12月: 4:30pm-6:30pm)
香港單車館公園 (中央草坪)
AA定向隊AA5梯隊 Feeder Enhancement Program
逢星期五 (1月至9月: 5pm-7pm; 10月至12月: 4:30pm-6:30pm)
荔枝角公園 (露天劇場)
AA定向隊AA7梯隊 Feeder Enhancement Program
逢星期日 (3:00pm-5:00pm)
1. AA1梯隊及AA5梯隊約每月月底改往其他地方訓練;
2. AA1梯隊及AA5梯隊假期停課; 若遭遇惡劣天氣等原因而需要取消, 不會補課。
3. AA7梯隊有四天停課, 分別是: 1月1日、1月22日、4月9日及12月31日;
4. 當AA7梯隊在同日有公開賽時, 將會預早調動訓練時間; 鼓勵隊員盡量參加公開賽事, 以戰養戰。
5. 隨時歡迎入隊。
獎勵:全年出席率達80%的隊員, 將獲香港定向總會頒發的梯隊訓練證書。
名額:30人 (AA1+AA5+AA7) 先到先得 (教練學員比例 1:10;另設助教)。
第一季 (每年 4月至 6月): HK$600
第二季 (每年 7月至 9月): HK$600
第三季 (每年10月至12月): HK$800 (調整隊費)
第四季 (每年 1月至 3月): HK$800 (調整隊費)
*中途於9月30日或之前入隊者, 可根據餘下課節, 按比例收費。
*OAHK「屬會梯隊訓練」每年登記費HK$300), 不足一年作一年計。
1. 歡迎隨時於每年4月至9月內申請入隊;
2. 中途加入者會在參加正常訓練前可獲個別教導;
3. 現役隊員可免費參加不限場數的 AASR 短途排名賽, 只是沒有以成績而定的 AAdollar 獎勵;
4. 現役隊員可免費參加另一隊 (AA1、AA5及AA7) 的恆常訓練;
5. 可逐節付費參加AA定向隊啡隊於星期六、日或假期舉辦的不定期、針對中距離賽的訓練;
6. 教練將會提供是項訓練計劃的季度訓練報告予香港定向總會;
7. 當隊員獲選入香港定向總會集訓隊之後, 可即時離開AA定向隊或繼續留隊訓練;
8. 不會退回中途離隊者的已繳費用, 亦不會收取其餘下費用;
9. 隊員必須是香港定向總會 (OAHK) 的有效會員;
10. 將鼓勵隊員參加公園定向訓練班、第一階、第二階段野外定向訓練班、學界定向賽及香港定向總會排名聯賽等;
11. 會另行通知獲接受申請入隊的隊員有關的繳費資料。
Online Registration Link:
WhatsApp 查詢: 93708444 (陳教練)
電郵 Email: aa@apexaction.com
網站: Website:
AA Orienteering Team Regular Training, the "Affiliated Club Co-organized Feeder Enhancement Program" Organized by OAHK
Target: Children aged 8-12
Apex Action (AA) was established on August 5, 2010 and is one of
the affiliated clubs of the Orienteering Association of Hong Kong (OAHK).
Among the members, there are experienced orienteering coaches and various technical personnel.
We are committed to promoting the development of orienteering in Hong Kong
and actively organize various orienteering activities.
The objectives of Apex Action:
1. Promote orienteering activities.
2. Organize orienteering competitions and training activities.
3. To promote and strengthen the orienteering development of young athletes.
4. Improve the level of sports at the regional level.
5. Encourage members and the public to participate in sports for life.
6. Select representatives to attend/participate in the activities of the OAHK.
7. Recommend members to apply for membership of OAHK.
8. Organize social activities to strengthen the connection between members.
The aims of the "Affiliated Club Co-organized Feeder Enhancement Program" organized by Orienteering Association of Hong Kong:
1. Discover more potential and interested children through affiliated clubs.
2. Systematic and continuous basic orienteering training.
3. Prepare them for promotion to the OAHK training squad or the Hong Kong team.
The purposes of the AA Orienteering Team Regular Training:
1. Find and promote potential young athletes as soon as possible.
2. Provide basic learning, physical training and technical training.
3. Encourage team members to work hard and actively participate in open competitions.
4. Push them to strive for experience and achievements, and hope to apply with good results to OAHK training squad for further training.
5. Organize interest groups to attract and encourage young people to continue to be interested in sports through targeted training.
6. The focus of training is to teach students according to their aptitude, pay attention to the training progress of them, and adjust personal training strategies.
7. Physical fitness, technology, psychology, orienteering knowledge, team spirit, etc. are all included in the training scope.
AA Orienteering Team Regular Training,
the "Affiliated Club Co-organized Feeder Enhancement Program"
organized by Orienteering Association of Hong Kong
The first phase of training period:
May 2022 to March 2023
The second phase of training period:
April 2023 to March 2024
Target: Children aged 8-12 (The age is calculated based on the current year.)
Coaches: OAHK Level 1 to Level 3 coaches
Assistant Coaches: Orienteering athletes with local and international competition experience
"Affiliated Club Co-organized Feeder Enhancement Program" has the following 3 teams to choose from:
Feeder Enhancement Program AA1,
AA Orienteering Team
Every Monday (Jan.-Sept.: 5pm-7pm; Oct.-Dec.: 4:30pm-6:30pm)
Hong Kong Velodrome Park (Central Lawn)
Feeder Enhancement Program AA5,
AA Orienteering Team
Every Friday (Jan.-Sept.: 5pm-7pm; Oct.-Dec.: 4:30pm-6:30pm)
Lai Chi Kok Park (Amphitheatre)
Feeder Enhancement Program AA7,
AA Orienteering Team
Every Sunday (3pm-5pm)
Urban parks and family walks near urban
If joining in the middle, team fees will be prorated based on the remaining sessions.
1. AA1 and AA5 teams would normally change to another place at end of each month;
2. No training on holidays for AA1 and AA5 teams ;
it will not be made up of the training needs to be cancelled due to bad weather or other reasons.
3.AA7 team has 4 days of suspension, which are: January 1st, January 22nd, April 9th and December 31st;
4. When there is an open competition on the same day for AA7 team, the training time will be adjusted in advance;
team members are encouraged to participate in the open orienteering competitions to gain experience from the competition (AA7).
5. Anyone is welcome to join the team at any time.
Reward: Team members with an attendance rate of 80% in a training year will receive a Feeder Enhancement Certificate issued by the Orienteering Association of Hong Kong.
Quota: 30 (AA1+AA5+AA7) first come, first served (the ratio of coaches to students is 1:10)
Team Fee per Training Phase (per year) is divided into 4 installments:
The first phase of training period:
First Season (every year from April to June): HK$600
Second Season (every year from July to August): HK$600
Third Season (every year from September to December): HK$800 (Team Fee adjusted)
Forth Season (every year from January to March): HK$800 (Team Fee djusted)
*The Team fee will be prorated based on the remaining sessions if joining in the middle.
*OAHK Feeder Enhancement Program Registration Fee is HK$300, less than one year is counted as one year.
1. Welcome to apply to join the team at any time from April to September every year.
2. Those who join in the middle will receive individual coaching before participating in the normal training.
3. Current team members can participate in unlimited AASR Sprint Ranking competitions for free, but there is no AAdollar award based on the result;
4. Current team members can participate in the regular training of another team (AA1,AA5 and AA7) for free.
5. Can pay and participate session by session in the AA Brown Team training, the middle distance training held irregularly on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays.
6. The quarterly training report of this training program will be provided to OAHK.
7. After being selected for the OAHK training squad, team member can leave immediately or continue to train in the AA Orienteering Team.
8. When team members leave the team, their paid fees will not be refunded and they do not need to pay the remaining installments (if any).
9. Team members must be current members of the Hong Kong Orienteering Association (OAHK).
10. Team members are encouraged to participate in the park orienteering training course, the level 1 and level 2 orienteering training courses, joint school orienteering competitions and the Hong Kong orienteering ranking events, etc.
11.Team members whose applications are accepted will be individually notified of payment information.
Online Registration Link:
WhatsApp 查詢: 93708444 (陳教練)
電郵 Email: aa@apexaction.com
網站: Website:
任何恆常訓練AA定向隊的隊員, 可享下列兩項優待:
1. 免費報名參加所有的 AASR 比賽 (不設 AAdollar 獎勵):
AASR2023 的場次如下:
AASR2301 2023.01.15
AASR2302 2023.02.05
AASR2303 2023.03.12
AASR2304 2023.04.02
AASR2305 2023.04.23
AASR2306 2023.05.14
AASR2307 2023.06.11
AASR2308 2023.07.02
AASR2309 2023.07.23
AASR2310 2023.08.13
AASR2311 2023.09.03
AASR2312 2023.10.15
2. 免費參其他恆常訓練AA定向隊 (非定期訓練定向隊的訓練除外)。
第一階段及第二階段野外定向訓練班 (OAHK 課程註冊編號 TCL2-6/22)
OAHK 野外定向訓練班的課程內容
截止報名 Entry Deadline: 2022-08-27 (23:00)
2022年9月3日 星期六 09:00-11:00
2022年9月3日 星期六 13:00-17:00 青衣
2022年9月9日 星期五 19:00-21:00
2022年9月11日 星期日 08:00-12:00 扶輪公園
2022年9月12日 星期一 (假期) 08:00-12:00 牛寮
費用 (不包括證書費):
第一階段證書: HK$30
第二階段證書: HK$40
2022年7月至9月 AA定向隊啡隊 (八歲或以上)
AA Orienteering Team Brown Team, July to Sept. 2022 (8 years old or above)
Online Application Link:
(Scroll down the page to view the English Version)
1. 主攻中/長距離野外定向的技術訓練;
2. 申請成為香港定向總會 (OAHK) 集訓隊及香港代表隊隊員;
3. 參與香港排名聯賽等高水平比賽。
隊費:全期五節合共 HK$2,000
2022.07.24 (日) 09:00-13:00
- 路線選擇
- 地對圖 (失位重定)
- 簡化地圖
2022.08.07 (日) 09:00-13:00
- 指南針應用
- 圖對地(方向辨別;遠端目標定位前進)
- 地圖記憶
2022.09.04 (日) 09:00-13:00
菠蘿輋 Po Lo Che
- 熟習村落地形的短距離定向技巧
- 讀圖技巧
- 路線選擇
2022.09.12 (日) 13:30-17:30
- 入出控制點
- 地圖記憶
- 搜集特徵並應用
1. 中途加入者會在參加正常訓練前獲個別指導;
2. 教練將會為隊員撰寫季度訓練報告;
3. 當隊員獲選入香港定向總會集訓隊之後,可即時離開AA定向隊或繼續留隊訓練;
4. 不會退回中途離隊者的已繳費用,亦不會收取其餘下費用;
5. 將鼓勵隊員參加第一階、第二階及第三階段野外定向訓練班、香港集訓隊選拔、學界定向賽及香港定向總會排名聯賽等;
6. 會另行通知獲接受申請入隊的隊員有關的繳費資料;
7. 因任何原因遲到或缺席不會獲得補課;若遭遇惡劣天氣等原因而需要取消,則另行安排。
8. 可逐節報名, 每節費用 $400。
Online Application Link:
查詢: 93708444 (陳教練), 可用 WhatsApp 查詢
Enquiry: 93708444 (Coach Chan), can use WhatsApp to make your enquiry.
網站: Website:
AA Orienteering Team Brown Team, Phase 2, July to Sept. 2022 (8 years old or above)
Brown Team Aims:
1. Provide middle/long distance orienteering technical training.
2. Apply for members of the OAHK training squads and Hong Kong teams.
3. Participate in high-level competitions such as the Hong Kong Orienteering Ranking League.
Team Fee:A total of HK$2,000 for the five sessions
Target: Born in 2014 or before (8 years old or older in 2022)
Coaches:Level 1 to Level 3 Coaches of the Orienteering Association of Hong Kong and/or the elite athletes
Assistant Coach: Athletes with international competition and international training experience
Training Schedule
Session 1
Sun. 2022.07.24 09:00-13:00
Braemar Hill
- Route Choice
- Ground to Map (Relocation)
- Map Simplification
Session 2
Sun. 2022.08.07 09:00-13:00
Pak Shek Kiu
- Use of Compass
- Map to Ground (Navigation: Remote Target)
- Map Memory
Session 3
Sun. 2022.09.04 09:00-13:00
Po Lo Che
- Familiar with sprint orienteering skills in village terrain
- Map Reading Skills
- Route Choice
Session 4
Sun. 2022.09.12 13:30-17:30
Duckling Hill
- Control Picking
- Map Memory
- Use of Collecting Features
1. Those who join in the middle will receive individual coaching before participating in the normal training;
2. The coach will prepare quarterly training reports for the team members;
3. After being selected for the OAHK training squad, team members can leave immediately or continue to train in the AA Orienteering Team.
4. If you leave the team halfway, the paid fees will not be refunded, and the remaining fees will not be charged.
5. Team members are encouraged to participate in the level 1 and level 2 orienteering training courses, selection of OAHK squad members, joint school orienteering competitions and the Hong Kong orienteering ranking league, etc.
6. Team members whose applications are accepted will be individually notified of payment information.
7. Will arrange separately for the training cancelled due to bad weather or other reasons.
8. Trainings can be registered on a session-by-session basis for $400 per session.
Online Application Link:
查詢: 93708444 (陳教練), 可用 WhatsApp 查詢
Enquiry: 93708444 (Coach Chan), can use WhatsApp to make your enquiry.
網站: Website:
AASR2022 晉峰行動短距離排名賽 AA Sprint Ranking 2022
AASR-05 最新消息 (2022.08.22)
2022.08.27 賽區佐敦谷堆填區是
當天賽區已緊急改為馬頭圍配水庫遊樂場 (紅燈山),
亦會經 WhatsApp 通知已報名的參加者。
若有任何問題, 請留言。
通告 Bulletin (帶超連結 with Hyperlinks):
網上報名 Online Registration:
己報名名單 AASR2022 Registration Update:
截止報名 Registration Deadline:
各場比賽前十天的星期四晚上 23:59 時
23:59 hour, Thur., 10 days before each competition.
WOD Day 1: 2022.5.13 - WOD Day 2: 2022.5.16 世界定向日 (免費參加) World Orienteering Day (Free to Attend)
參加者可獲頒香港定向總會贊助 IOF (國際定向聯盟) 的 WOD 世界定向日紀念布章和證書。
Participants will be awarded a commemorative WOD World Orienteering Day badge and certificate of IOF (International Orienteering Federation) sponsored by the Orienteering Association of Hong Kong.
免費報名參加 Free to Attend
網上報名連結 Online Registration Link:
截止報名 Entry Deadline: 2022-05-15(23:59)
(提供少量現場報名名額 A small number of on-site registrations are available.
報到時間 Registration Time: 4:45pm-6:30pm
自由出發時間 Free Starting Time: 5:00pm-6:30pm
惡劣天氣安排 Adverse Weather Arrangements:
WOD Day 1
Fri. 2022.5.13 星期五 5pm-7pm
荔枝角公園 Lai Chi Kok Park
報到處: 露天劇場
Registration Point: Amphitheatre
Location Google Map 位置圖: https://tinyurl.com/2vtc3cpc
Street View Picture 街景圖片: https://tinyurl.com/5e6tr89j
WOD Day 2
Fri. 2022.5.16 星期一 5pm-7pm
香港單車館公園 Hong Kong Velodrome Park
報到處: 中央草坪西邊
Registration Point: Central Lawn West Side
Location Google Map 位置圖: https://tinyurl.com/2p9cpus7
Street View Picture 街景圖片: https://tinyurl.com/2p8cubdx
網上報名連結 Online Registration Link:
Eventor World:
查詢 Enquiry:
WhatsApp: 93708444
電郵 Email: aa@apexaction.com
Website 網站: http://www.apexaction.com/
第一階段及第二階段野外定向訓練班 (OAHK 課程註冊編號 TCL2-1/22)
OAHK 野外定向訓練班的課程內容
截止報名 Entry Deadline: 2022-05-06 (12:00)
2022年5月6日(五) 19:30-21:30 網上教學
2022年5月9日(一, 假期) 09:30-13:30 寶馬山
2022年5月12日(四) 19:30-21:30 網上教學
2022年5月15日(日) 09:00-17:00 牛寮
費用 (不包括證書費):
第一階段證書: HK$30
第二階段證書: HK$40
AMR+WMR 亞洲+世界迷宮定向賽暨本地挑戰
Asian+World Maze Race 2022 cum Local Challenge
快樂體育 與 晉峰行動 合辦
Co-organised by Happy Sports and Apex Action
Sat 2022.5.28 星期六 (13:00-16:00)
南生圍 Nam Sang Wai
報到處: 南生圍 大草地
Place of registration: Grassland, Nam Sang Wai
Street View Picture 街景圖片:
Public Transport to Nam Sang Wai via Wang Shui To (cross water bull-boat)
位置圖 Location Map:
出發時段 Starting Time: 13:00-15:30*
*現場選擇出發時間 Choose starting time-on-site
費用 Fee: 每位 $70 per head
轉帳方法 Transfer Method
PayMe / Faster Payment System (轉數快) :
Bank or ATM transfer:
HSBC C/A No. 006 006118 001
轉帳單據 the receipt of transfer
或電子支票 or E-cheque (抬頭人 payable to: CHAN CHI SING CLEMENT)
可發送至 Can be sent to:
93708444 (WhatsApp) or 或 clement@apexaction.com
賽事年曆 Event Calendar - Eventor World:
通告 Bulletin
賽事資訊 Event Information
官方網站 Official website:
網上報名 Registration Online :
截止報名 Deadline : Fri. 2022.5.27 星期五 (23:59)
聯絡 Contact :
clement@apexaction.com, WhatsApp 93708444
Pictures and Videos
Official Course and Maps - World Maze Race 2021
Practice Courses - World Maze Race 2021
Results Local Challenge 2021 (Excel File)
Results Local Challenge 2021 (PDF File)
Results World Maze Race 2021 (Global Results)
AA定向隊啡隊 (八歲或以上)
AA Orienteering Team Brown Team (8 years old or above)
Online Application Link:
(Scroll down the page to view the English Version)
1. 主攻中/長距離野外定向的技術訓練;
2. 申請成為香港定向總會 (OAHK) 集訓隊及香港代表隊隊員;
3. 參與香港排名聯賽等高水平比賽。
野外訓練16節(星期六、日或假日; 每節3小時)
理論課16節(於野外訓練前的1至2晚在經網上進行, 每節1小時)
全年度隊費 (2022年):HK$6,600
第一期繳費: HK$1,400 (2022年5月至6月 野外訓練4節 理論課 4節)
第二期繳費: HK$2,100 (2022年7月至9月 野外訓練6節 理論課 6節)
第三期繳費: HK$2,100 (2022年10月至12月 野外訓練6節 理論課 6節)
*可逐節報名野外訓練, 每節費用 $350。
限額:20人(請及早申請; 早若超出人數限額將由教練團隊進行篩選或決定增設名額)
1. 中途加入者會在參加正常訓練前獲個別指導;
2. 教練將會為隊員撰寫季度訓練報告;
3. 當隊員獲選入香港定向總會集訓隊之後,可即時離開AA定向隊或繼續留隊訓練;
4. 不會退回中途離隊者的已繳費用,亦不會收取其餘下費用;
5. 將鼓勵隊員參加第一階、第二階及第三階段野外定向訓練班、香港集訓隊選拔、學界定向賽及香港定向總會排名聯賽等;
6. 會另行通知獲接受申請入隊的隊員有關的繳費資料;
7. 第一期(2022年5-6月AA定向隊啡隊訓練時間表)
 2022.05.08(日)野外訓練 第1節 青衣(上午)
 2022.05.22(日)野外訓練 第2節 牛寮(下午)
 2022.06.05(日)野外訓練 第3節 下花山(下午)
 2022.06.18(六)網上理論課第4節 理論考核
 2022.06.19(日)野外訓練 第4節 扶輪公園(下午) 技術考核
Online Application Link:
查詢: 93708444 (陳教練), 可用 WhatsApp 查詢
Enquiry: 93708444 (Coach Chan), can use WhatsApp to make your enquiry.
網站: Website:
AA Orienteering Team Brown Team (8 years old or above)
Brown Team Aims:
1. Provide middle/long distance orienteering technical training.
2. Apply for members of the OAHK training squads and Hong Kong teams.
3. Participate in high-level competitions such as the Hong Kong Orienteering Ranking League.
Training Schedule from May to December for year of 2022:
16 sessions of field training (on Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays; 3 hours each)
16 sessions of theory lesson (1 to 2 days before field training, 1 hour per lesson)
*No make-up class will be offered for being late or absent for any reason;
*Will arrange separately for the training cancelled due to bad weather or other reasons.
Annual Team Fee (year of 2022): HK$6,600
First installment: HK$1,400 (May 2022 to June 2022, 4 field training sessions, 4 theory lessons)
Second installment: HK$2,100 (July 2022 to September 2022, 6 field training sessions, 6 theory sessions)
Third installment: HK$2,100 (October to December 2022, 6 field training sessions, 6 theory sessions)
*If joining in the middle, team fees will be prorated based on the remaining sessions.
*Field training can be registered on a session-by-session basis for $350 per session.
Quota: 20 (please apply early; if the quota is exceeded, the coaching staff will screen or decide to increase the quota)
1. Those who join in the middle will receive individual coaching before participating in the normal training;
2. The coach will prepare quarterly training reports for the team members;
3. After being selected for the OAHK training squad, team members can leave immediately or continue to train in the AA Orienteering Team.
4. If you leave the team halfway, the paid fees will not be refunded, and the remaining fees will not be charged.
5. Team members are encouraged to participate in the level 1 and level 2 orienteering training courses, selection of OAHK squad members, joint school orienteering competitions and the Hong Kong orienteering ranking league, etc.
6. Team members whose applications are accepted will be individually notified of payment information.
7. Phase 1 (May-June 2022 Brown Team Training Schedule
 2022.05.06(Fri.) Online Theory Lesson 1
 2022.05.08(Sun.) Field Training 1, Tsingyi (AM)
 2022.05.21(Sat.) Online Theory Lesson 2
 2022.05.22(Sun.) Field Training 1, Ngau Liu(PM)
 2022.06.04(Sat.) Online Theory Lesson 3
 2022.06.05(Sun.) Field Training 1, Ha Fa Shan(PM)
 2022.06.18(Sat.) Online Theory Lesson 4 - Theoretical Evaluation
 2022.06.19(Sun.) Field Training 1, Rotary Park(PM) - Technical Evaluation
*Theory lessons are mainly used for preview and review of field training.
Online Application Link:
查詢: 93708444 (陳教練), 可用 WhatsApp 查詢
Enquiry: 93708444 (Coach Chan), can use WhatsApp to make your enquiry.
網站: Website:
對象: 8-12歲
AA Orienteering Team Regular Training,
the "Affiliated Club Co-organized Feeder Enhancement Program"
Organized by Orienteering Association of Hong Kong
Target: Children aged 8-12
Online Registration Link:
(Scroll down the page to view the English Version)
晉峰行動 (AA) 於2010年8月5日成立,是香港定向總會 (OAHK) 屬會之一。
成員當中, 包括有豐富野外定向經驗的定向教練及各類技術人員。
1. 推廣野外定向活動;
2. 舉辦野外定向比賽及訓練活動;
3. 促進和加強年青運動員在野外定向方面的發展;
4. 提高地區層面的體育運動水平;
5. 鼓勵會員及大眾終身參與體育運動;
6. 選派代表出席/參與 OAHK 的活動;
7. 推薦會員申請成為 OAHK 的會員;
8. 舉辦聯誼活動增進會員之聯繫。
1. 透過屬會發掘更多有潛質及有興趣在定向運動發展之兒童;
2. 有系統及恆常基本定向訓練;
3. 為晉升至 OAHK 集訓隊或香港代表隊作出準備。
1. 及早尋覓及提拔有潛質的青少年運動員;
2. 提供基礎的學習、體能訓練及技術訓練;
3. 鼓勵隊員以戰養戰,積極參加公開賽;
4. 爭取經驗和成績,期望憑良好成績申請入選香港定向總會集訓隊,作進一步訓練;
5. 安排興趣組,吸引和鼓勵青少年藉著定向的訓練,促進其持續性參與運動的興趣;
6. 訓練重點在因材施教、留意隊員訓練進度以調整個別訓練策略;
7. 體能、技術、心理、定向知識和團隊精神皆會列入訓練範圍
第一階段訓練: 2022年5月至2023年3月 共46節
第二階段訓練: 2023年4月至2024年3月 (暫定報名期: 2023.3.1-2023.9.30)
對象: 2010年至2014年出生之8-12歲兒童 (第一期訓練以2022年計算年齡)
教練: 香港定向總會一級至三級教練
助教: 富有實戰及國際比賽經驗的定向運動員
AA定向隊 AA1 梯隊 Enhancement Program
逢星期一 (四月至九月: 5pm-7pm; 十月至三月: 4:30pm-6:30pm)
香港單車館公園 (中央草坪)
AA定向隊 AA5 梯隊 Enhancement Program
逢星期五 (四月至九月: 5pm-7pm; 十月至三月: 4:30pm-6:30pm)
荔枝角公園 (露天劇場)
*1. 約每月月底改往其他地方訓練;
*2. 假期停課;若遭遇惡劣天氣等原因而需要取消,不會補課。
獎勵:全年出席率達80%的隊員, 將獲香港定向總會頒發的梯隊訓練證書。
名額:30人 (AA1+AA5) 先到先得 (教練學員比例 1:10;另設助教)。
第一階段訓練全期46節 (2022年5月至2023年3月)
全期費用每位 HK$2,100, 分四期繳費:
第一期繳費 HK$600 (2022年5月至6月隊費及 OAHK「屬會梯隊訓練」每年報名費 HK$300)
第二期繳費 HK$500 (2022年7月至9月隊費)
第三期繳費 HK$500 (2022年10月至12月隊費)
第四期繳費 HK$800 (2023年1月至3月隊費) - 隊費調整了
1. 歡迎隨時於每年4月至9月內申請入隊;
2. 中途加入者會在參加正常訓練前可獲個別教導;
3. 任何隊員可免費參加另一隊 (AA1 或 AA5) 的恆常訓練;
4. 可逐節付費參加AA定向隊啡隊於星期六、日或假期舉辦的不定期、針對中距離賽的訓練;
5. 教練將會提供是項訓練計劃的季度訓練報告予香港定向總會;
6. 當隊員獲選入香港定向總會集訓隊之後,可即時離開AA定向隊或繼續留隊訓練;
7. 不會退回中途離隊者的已繳費用, 亦不會收取其餘下費用;
8. 隊員必須是香港定向總會 (OAHK) 的有效會員;
9. 將鼓勵隊員參加公園定向訓練班、第一階、第二階段野外定向訓練班、學界定向賽及香港定向總會排名聯賽等;
10. 會另行通知獲接受申請入隊的隊員有關的繳費資料。
Online Registration Link:
查詢: 93708444 (陳教練), 可用 WhatsApp 查詢
Enquiry: 93708444 (Coach Chan), can use WhatsApp to make your enquiry.
網站: Website:
AA Orienteering Team Regular Training, the "Affiliated Club Co-organized Feeder Enhancement Program" Organized by OAHK
Target: Children aged 8-12
Apex Action (AA) was established on August 5, 2010 and is one of
the affiliated clubs of the Orienteering Association of Hong Kong (OAHK).
Among the members, there are experienced orienteering coaches and various technical personnel.
We are committed to promoting the development of orienteering in Hong Kong
and actively organize various orienteering activities.
The objectives of Apex Action:
1. Promote orienteering activities.
2. Organize orienteering competitions and training activities.
3. To promote and strengthen the orienteering development of young athletes.
4. Improve the level of sports at the regional level.
5. Encourage members and the public to participate in sports for life.
6. Select representatives to attend/participate in the activities of the OAHK.
7. Recommend members to apply for membership of OAHK.
8. Organize social activities to strengthen the connection between members.
The aims of the "Affiliated Club Co-organized Feeder Enhancement Program" organized by Orienteering Association of Hong Kong:
1. Discover more potential and interested children through affiliated clubs.
2. Systematic and continuous basic orienteering training.
3. Prepare them for promotion to the OAHK training squad or the Hong Kong team.
The purposes of the AA Orienteering Team Regular Training:
1. Find and promote potential young athletes as soon as possible.
2. Provide basic learning, physical training and technical training.
3. Encourage team members to work hard and actively participate in open competitions.
4. Push them to strive for experience and achievements, and hope to apply with good results to OAHK training squad for further training.
5. Organize interest groups to attract and encourage young people to continue to be interested in sports through targeted training.
6. The focus of training is to teach students according to their aptitude, pay attention to the training progress of them, and adjust personal training strategies.
7. Physical fitness, technology, psychology, orienteering knowledge, team spirit, etc. are all included in the training scope.
AA Orienteering Team Regular Training,
the "Affiliated Club Co-organized Feeder Enhancement Program"
organized by Orienteering Association of Hong Kong
The first phase of training period:
May 2022 to March 2023, a total of 46 sessions
The second phase of training period:
April 2023 to March 2024
(tentative registration period: 2023.3.1-2023.9.30)
Target: Children aged 8-12 born in 2010-2014
(The age is calculated based on 2022 for the first phase training period)
Coaches: OAHK Level 1 to Level 3 coaches
Assistant Coaches: Orienteering athletes with local and international competition experience
Enhancement Program AA1,
AA Orienteering Team
Every Monday (April-Sept.: 5pm-7pm; Oct.-March: 4:30pm-6:30pm)
Hong Kong Velodrome Park (Central Lawn)
Enhancement Program AA5,
AA Orienteering Team
Every Friday (April-Sept.: 5pm-7pm; Oct.-March: 4:30pm-6:30pm)
Lai Chi Kok Park (Amphitheatre)
*1 Would normally change to another place at end of each month;
*2 No training on holidays;
it will not be made up of the training needs to be cancelled due to bad weather or other reasons.
Reward: Team members with an attendance rate of 80% in a training year will receive a Feeder Enhancement Certificate issued by the Orienteering Association of Hong Kong.
Quota: 30 (AA1 + AA5) first come, first served (the ratio of coaches to students is 1:10)
Team Fee per Training Phase:
The first phase of training period:
Total 46 sessions from May 2022 to March 2023
Fee of HK$2,100, to be paid in 4 installments:
First installment of HK$600
(includeing team fee from May to June 2022 and the annual registration fee of
HK$300 for OAHK "Affiliated Club Co-organized Feeder Enhancement Program")
Second installment of HK$500 (Team fee from July to September 2022)
Third installment of HK$500 (Team fee from October to November 2022)
Fourth installment of HK$800 (Team fee from January to March 2023) - Team Fee adjusted
*The Team fee will be prorated based on the remaining sessions if joining in the middle.
*If joining in the middle, team fees will be prorated based on the remaining sessions.
*Team AA1 (training on Monday) has only 42 sessions because there are relatively more holidays,
will arrange to go to training of Team AA5 for 4 sessions.
1. Welcome to apply to join the team at any time from April to September every year.
2. Those who join in the middle will receive individual coaching before participating in the normal training.
3. Any team members can participate in the regular training of another team (Purple Team or Red Team) for free.
4. Can pay and participate session by session in the AA Brown Team training, the middle distance training held irregularly on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays.
5. The quarterly training report of this training program will be provided to OAHK.
6. After being selected for the OAHK training squad, team member can leave immediately or continue to train in the AA Orienteering Team.
7. When team members leave the team, their paid fees will not be refunded and they do not need to pay the remaining installments (if any).
8. Team members must be current members of the Hong Kong Orienteering Association (OAHK).
9. Team members are encouraged to participate in the park orienteering training course, the level 1 and level 2 orienteering training courses, joint school orienteering competitions and the Hong Kong orienteering ranking events, etc.
10.Team members whose applications are accepted will be individually notified of payment information.
Online Registration Link:
查詢: 93708444 (陳教練), 可用 WhatsApp 查詢
Enquiry: 93708444 (Coach Chan), can use WhatsApp to make your enquiry.
網站: Website:
AA定向隊紫隊及橙隊隊員報名 (六歲或以上)
Team Member Registration for AA Orienteering Team Purple and Orange Team (6 years old or above)
Online Registration Link:
(Scroll down the page to view the English Version)
晉峰行動 (AA) 於2010年8月5日成立,是香港定向總會 (OAHK) 屬會之一。
成員當中, 包括有豐富野外定向經驗的定向教練及各類技術人員。
1. 推廣野外定向活動;
2. 舉辦野外定向比賽及訓練活動;
3. 促進和加強年青運動員在野外定向方面的發展;
4. 提高地區層面的體育運動水平;
5. 鼓勵會員及大眾終身參與體育運動;
6. 選派代表出席/參與 OAHK 的活動;
7. 推薦會員申請成為 OAHK 的會員;
8. 舉辦聯誼活動增進會員之聯繫。
1. 及早尋覓及提拔有潛質的青少年運動員;
2. 提供基礎的學習、體能訓練及技術訓練;
3. 鼓勵隊員以戰養戰,積極參加公開賽;
4. 爭取經驗和成績,期望憑良好成績申請入選香港定向總會集訓隊,作進一步訓練;
5. 安排興趣組,吸引和鼓勵青少年藉著定向的訓練,促進其持續性參與運動的興趣;
6. 訓練重點在因材施教、留意隊員訓練進度以調整個別訓練策略;
7. 體能、技術、心理、定向知識和團隊精神皆會列入訓練範圍
第一季訓練: 每年1月至3月
第二季訓練: 每年4月至6月
第三季訓練: 每年7月至9月
第四季訓練: 每年10月至12月
對象: 六歲或以上
教練: 香港定向總會一級至三級教練
助教: 富有實戰及國際比賽經驗的定向運動員
AA定向隊 紫隊
逢星期一 (四月至九月: 5pm-7pm; 十月至三月: 4:30pm-6:30pm)
香港單車館公園 (中央草坪)
AA定向隊 橙隊
逢星期五 (四月至九月: 5pm-7pm; 十月至三月: 4:30pm-6:30pm)
荔枝角公園 (露天劇場)
*1. 約每月月底改往其他地方訓練;
*2. 假期停課;若遭遇惡劣天氣等原因而需要取消,不會補課;
*3 隨時歡迎入隊。
每季訓練隊費: HK$900
調整後隊費 : HK$1200 (2023年1月至3月)
1. 歡迎隨時申請入隊;
2. 中途加入者會在參加正常訓練前可獲個別教導;
3. 任何隊員可免費參加另一隊 (紫隊 或 紅隊) 的恆常訓練;
4. 可逐節付費參加AA定向啡隊於星期六、日或假期舉辦的不定期、針對中距離賽的訓練;
5. 會為隊員撰寫季度訓練報告;
6. 鼓勵隊員申請成為香港定向總會 (OAHK) 會員、
7. 將鼓勵隊員參加公園定向訓練班、第一階、第二階段野外定向訓練班、學界定向賽及香港定向總會排名聯賽等;
8. 會另行通知獲接受申請入隊的隊員有關的繳費資料。
Online Registration Link:
查詢: 93708444 (陳教練), 可用 WhatsApp 查詢
Enquiry: 93708444 (Coach Chan), can use WhatsApp to make your enquiry.
網站: Website:
Team Member Registration for AA Orienteering Team Purple and Orange Team (6 years old or above)
Apex Action (AA) was established on August 5, 2010 and is one of
the affiliated clubs of the Orienteering Association of Hong Kong (OAHK).
Among the members, there are experienced orienteering coaches and various technical personnel.
We are committed to promoting the development of orienteering in Hong Kong
and actively organize various orienteering activities.
The objectives of Apex Action:
1. Promote orienteering activities.
2. Organize orienteering competitions and training activities.
3. To promote and strengthen the orienteering development of young athletes.
4. Improve the level of sports at the regional level.
5. Encourage members and the public to participate in sports for life.
6. Select representatives to attend/participate in the activities of the OAHK.
7. Recommend members to apply for membership of OAHK.
8. Organize social activities to strengthen the connection between members.
The purposes of the AA Orienteering Team Regular Training:
1. Find and promote potential young athletes as soon as possible.
2. Provide basic learning, physical training and technical training.
3. Encourage team members to work hard and actively participate in open competitions.
4. Push them to strive for experience and achievements, and hope to apply with good results to OAHK training squad for further training.
5. Organize interest groups to attract and encourage young people to continue to be interested in sports through targeted training.
6. The focus of training is to teach students according to their aptitude, pay attention to the training progress of them, and adjust personal training strategies.
7. Physical fitness, technology, psychology, orienteering knowledge, team spirit, etc. are all included in the training scope.
AA Orienteering Team Regular Training:
Training Season 1: January to March every year
Training Season 2: April to June every year
Training Season 3: July to Septembet every year
Training Season 4: October to December every year
Target: 6 years old or above
Coaches: OAHK Level 1 to Level 3 coaches
Assistant Coaches: Orienteering athletes with local and
international competition experience
Purple Team
AA Orienteering Team
Every Monday (April-Sept.: 5pm-7pm; Oct.-March: 4:30pm-6:30pm)
Hong Kong Velodrome Park (Central Lawn)
Orange Team
AA Orienteering Team
Every Friday (April-Sept.: 5pm-7pm; Oct.-March: 4:30pm-6:30pm)
Lai Chi Kok Park (Amphitheatre)
*1 Would normally change to another place at end of each month;
*2 No training on holidays;
it will not be made up of the training needs to be cancelled due to bad weather or other reasons.
*3 Anyone is welcome to join the team at any time.
Team Fee per Training Season: HK$900
Adjusted Team Fee: HK$1,200 (January to March 2023
*If joining in the middle, team fees will be prorated based on the remaining sessions.
1. Welcome to apply to join the team at any time.
2. Those who join in the middle will receive individual coaching before participating in the normal training.
3. Any team members can participate in the regular training of another team (Purple Team or Red Team) for free.
4. Can pay and participate session by session in the AA Brown Team training, the middle distance training held irregularly on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays.
5. Coaches would write quarterly training reports for team members.
6. Team members are encouraged to become the members of Orienteering Association of Hong Kong (OAHK).
7. Team members are encouraged to participate in the park orienteering training course, the level 1 and level 2 orienteering training courses, joint school orienteering competitions and the Hong Kong orienteering ranking events, etc.
8. The team members who have accepted their applications will be notified separately of the payment information.
Online Registration Link:
查詢: 93708444 (陳教練), 可用 WhatsApp 查詢
Enquiry: 93708444 (Coach Chan), can use WhatsApp to make your enquiry.
網站: Website:
Wu Kai Sha Youth Village Day Camp Practice Event
Sunday 2022-04-24 (星期日)
(Scroll down the page to view the English Version)
Online Registration Link:
可選上午或下午入營 - 自由享用營地設施
15:00-16:00 越野式練習賽
順序到訪所有地圖上的控制點, 根據完成時間計算成績。
賽程 建議對象 難度 預計勝出時間
A ME/WE M/W21/20/35/40 困難 15-25分鐘
B M/W18/16/14/45+ 中間 15-25分鐘
C M/W12/10/8- 容易 15-25分鐘
16:00-17:30 奪分式練習賽
賽程 A, B 及 C 的限時皆為 25分鐘,
每遲到一分童扣10分, 不足一分鐘作一分鐘計。
根據積分計算成績, 積分相同者, 以完成時間較短者為勝。
費用: 每位 HK$100 (已包括日營營費)
1. 歡迎家長報名參加是項活動, 若入營而不參加練習賽,只收 HK$50;
2. 將於4月20日個別出活動資料給已報名參加者;
3. 暫時不需要繳付報名費用, 當能確定活動可如常舉行時,
4. 因營位有限, 請即報名, 先到先得, 額滿即止。
Wu Kai Sha Youth Village Day Camp Practice Event
Sunday 2022-04-24
Online Registration Link:
Can choose to enter the camp in the morning or afternoon.
Free use of camp facilities.
15:00-16:00 Cross Country Practice Event
Visit all control points on the map sequentially.
The results are calculated based on the elapsed time.
Course Classes Suggested Difficulty Expected Winning Time
A ME/WE M/W21/20/35/40 Difficult 15-25 minutes
B M/W18/16/14/45+ Medium 15-25 minutes
C M/W12/10/8- Easy 15-25 minutes
16:00-17:30 Score Practice Event
The time limit is 25 minutes for both Courses A, B and C,
and 10 points will be deducted for every minute of being late,
less than a minute counts as a minute.
The result is calculated by adding up the scores if the scores are the same,
the shorter the time used wins.
Fee: HK$100 per person (including day camp fee)
1. Parents are welcome to register for this event.
If you enter the camp without participating in the practice event,
only HK$50 will be charged;
2. Event information will be released to registered participants on April 20;
3. No registration fee will be charged for the time being.
The payment method will be notified separately,
when it is confirmed that the event can be held as usual;
4. Due to limited space, please register now,
on a first-come, first-served basis.
Wu Kai Sha Youth Village Day Camp Practice Event
Sunday 2022-04-24 (星期日)
Online Registration Link:
AA定向隊兒童精英紅隊 (8至12歲)
AA Orienteering Team Kids Elite Red Team (8 to 12 years)
簡易報名: 於AA定向隊 WhatsApp 群組留言
Online Application Link:
Easy enrollment: Leave a message on AAteam WhatsApp Group.
(Scroll down the page to view the English Version)
1. 備戰香港定向排名聯賽-短距離;
2. 備戰2023年8月全國青少年定向錦標賽;
3. 為香港定向總會發展集訓隊的選拔做好準備。
1. 每節會安排有兩、三個專項訓練;
2. 技術訓練包括有指南針、百米定向、越野式、奪分式、迷宮定向和團隊定向賽。
首席教練:文惠庭 (香港定向總會三級教練)
次席教練:陳志成 (香港定向總會三級教練)
 2022.10.02(日)9:30am-12:30pm(3小時) 寶馬山(野外)
 截止報名日期 2022.09.28(三)23:59
 2022.11.13(日)9:30am-12:30pm(3小時) 掌牛山(野外)
 截止報名日期 2022.11.09(三))23:59
 2022.12.11(日)9:30am-12:30pm(3小時) 彩榮路公園 及 佐敦谷公園
 截止報名日期 2022.12.07(三)23:59
 2022.12.18(日)9:30am-12:30pm(3小時) 圓墩(野外)
 截止報名日期 2022.12.14(三))23:59
 2022.07.30(六)2pm-5pm 青衣東北公園
 2022.08.06(六)9am-12nn(3小時) 添馬公園 及 香港公園
 2022.08.20(六)2pm-5pm(3小時) 蒲崗村道公園 及 牛池灣公園
 2022.09.18(日)9:30am-12:30pm(3小時) 香港仔郊野公園(野外)
隊費每節兩小時費用 $200; 每節三小時費用 $300, 可逐次報名。
AA定向隊 (AA1紫組及AA5橙組) 隊員, 優惠價每小時 $80。
簡易報名: 於AA定向隊 WhatsApp 群組留言
Online Application Link:
Easy enrollment: Leave a message on AAteam WhatsApp Group.
查詢: 93708444 (陳教練), 可用 WhatsApp 查詢
Enquiry: 93708444 (Coach Chan), can use WhatsApp to make your enquiry.
網站: Website:
AA Orienteering Team Kids Elite Red Team (8 to 12 years)
1. Prepare for the Hong Kong Orienteering Ranking League-Sprint;
2. Prepare for the All China Junior & Youth Orienteering Championships. in August 2023;
3. Prepare for the selection of the Development Squad of the Orienteering Association of Hong Kong.
1. There will be two or three target training in each session;
2. Technical training includes compass, 100-meter orienteering, cross-country event, score event, maze orienteering and orienteering team event.
Target: Children born between 2010 and 2014 (8 to 12 years old in 2022)
Head Coach:  Man Wai Tin (Level 3 Coach, Orienteering Association of Hong Kong)
Second Coach: Clement Chan (Level 3 Coach, Orienteering Association of Hong Kong)
 2022.10.02 (Sun) 9:30am-12:30pm(3 hours) Braemar Hill (field)
 Deadline: 23:00 Wed. 2022.09.28
 2022.11.13 (Sun) 9:30am-12:30pm(3 hours) Cheung Ngau Shan (field)
 Deadline: 23:00 Wed. 2022.11.09
 2022.12.11(Sun) 2pm-5pm(3 hours) Choi Wing Road Park and Jordan Valley Park
 Deadline: 23:00 Wed. 2022.12.07
 2022.12.18 (Sun) 9:30am-12:30pm(3 hours) Yuen Tun (field)
 Deadline: 23:00 Wed. 2022.12.14
 2022.07.30(Sat) 2pm-5pm(3 hours) Tsing Yi Northeast Park
 2022.08.06(Sat)9am-12nn(3 hours) Tamar Park and Hong Kong Park
 2022.08.20(Sat) 2pm-5pm(3 hours) Po Kong Village Road Park and Ngau Chi Wan Park
 2022.09.18 (Sun) 9:30am-12:30pm(3 hours) Aberdeen Country Park (field)
Team Fees:
$200 for 2 hours session; $300 for 3 hours session. Registration can be done on a session-by-session basis.
$80 per hour for members of AAteam (AA1 Purple Team and AA5 Orange Team).
(Bank transfer after receipt of payment notification)
簡易報名: 於AA定向隊 WhatsApp 群組留言
Online Application Link:
Easy enrollment: Leave a message on AAteam WhatsApp Group.
查詢: 93708444 (陳教練), 可用 WhatsApp 查詢
Enquiry: 93708444 (Coach Chan), can use WhatsApp to make your enquiry.
網站: Website:
全民造圖: 定向地圖繪畫入門工作坊
Everyone Mapper: Introductory Workshop on Orienteering Map Drawing
課程日期:共五課(Zoom) 每課 1.5小時(8:00pm-9:30pm)
報名連結 Registration Link:
查詢 Enquiry:
WhatsApp: 94536093
網站 Website:
Order of AA Team Orienteering Suits
訂購連結 Order at:
售價: HK$250 (可訂購買多件)
根據身高及體重製造戰衣, 尺碼表只供參考,將會收集相關人士的身高及體重。
首批訂購截止日期: 9/1/2022
(預定於 2月之前製作完成)
第二批訂購截止日期: 3/2/2022
(預定於 2月或3月之間製作完成)
PayMe 或 FPS 轉數快:
5946207 (快速支付系統識別碼 FPS Identifier)
CHAN C** S** C***
匯豐銀行 / ATM 轉帳:
HSBC C/A No. 006 006118 001
(請在訊息欄列明 "OSuit" 及隊員中文或英文姓名)
Price: HK$250 (multiple pieces can be purchased).
The suits are made to order according to the height & weight.
The reference size chart is provided for reference only.
Your own English name can be printed on the right sleeve.
First Lot Order Dealine: 9/1/2022
Collection by February 2022)
Second Lot Order Dealine: 3/2/2022
Collection in February or March 2022)
Payment Method:
A receipt will be issued after payment is received.
PayMe or FPS (Faster Payment System):
5946207 (FPS Identifier)
Payee identification:
CHAN C** S** C***
HSBC / ATM Transfer:
HSBC C/A No. 006 006118 001
(Please indicate "OSuit" and the name of the team member in the message column.)
Please upload copy of the payment receipt at the end of the form.
訂購連結 Order at:
2022-2023 AA定向集訓隊 (主要針對中長距離)
2023-2023 AA Orienteering Squad (Mainly for Middle/Long Distance)
a. 因應香港定向 **青年集訓隊(港隊)選拔**
b. 並會配合 AA定向隊 (AA Orienteering Team) 的恆常訓練(星期五紅隊或星期三橙隊), 相輔相成。
c. 將會在每場香港定向總會排名聯賽及各大公開定向賽, 委派教練駐場做賽前、賽後的支援, **不另收費**。
d. 為需要增進自身定向技術的人士,給予適當的技術支援。
按週期計算、每期中包含:1課技術理論及 4課技術訓練(間中教練團隊會因應訓練目標及成效,適當對訓練時間安排做出調整)
***最後1課技術訓練 將設有階段總結/檢討/測試
2022-2023 - 第一期(01-02月):
08/01/2022 1900 - 2100
09/01/2022 09:00-13:00 - 野外*
23/01/2022 09:00-13:00 - 野外*
06/02/2022 09:00-13:00 - 公園*
27/02/2022 09:00-13:00 - 野外*
全期(2022年1-2月)優惠收費:$1800 (18小時教學)
a. 將會安排AA Team教練及現役/退役精英運動員、有國際比賽及國際訓練經驗的運動員/教練現身說法 進行指導及授課。
b. 而課程內容設計方面,更邀請到有香港排名聯賽路線設計經驗的人士進行協助設計。
c. 將會在每場香港定向總會排名聯賽及各大公開定向賽, 委派教練駐場做賽前、賽後的支援, 不另收費。
d. 並不定期有機會會開設特殊課節,邀請不同領域的精英人士進行演講,甚至進行專項訓練指導。(**AA集訓隊-隊員優先報名並享有優惠**)
!!! 已確認 !!! 即將於1月開始開設 --體能協調敏捷訓練課--
體能訓練負責教練 于偉麗教練 (曾任 - 香港舉重項目 奧運代表隊成員!!)
AA定向隊隊員註冊 (2022年1月至3月)
Team Member Registration for AA Orienteering Team (Jan. to March 2022)
註隊員冊連結 Link for Registration of Team Member:
訓練期: 2022年1月至3月
Training Period: Jan. to March 2022
紫隊 Purple Team:
逢星期一 4:30-6:30pm Every Mon.
香港單車館公園 (中央草坪)
Hong Kong Velodrome Park (Central Lawn)
日期Dates: 3/1, 10/1, 17/1, 24/1, 31/1, 7/2, 14/2, 21/2, 28/2, 7/3, 14/3, 21/3, 28/3 (13x)
橙隊 Orange Team:
逢星期三 4:30-6:30pm Every Wed.
香港公園 (奧林匹克廣場)
Hong Kong Park (Olympic Square)
日期Dates: 5/1, 12/1, 19/1, 26/1, 9/2, 16,2, 23/2, 2/3, 9/3, 16/3, 23/3, 30/3 (12x)
紅隊 Red Team:
逢星期五 4:30-6:30pm Every Fri.
荔枝角公園 (露天劇場)
Lai Chi Kok Park (Amphitheatre)
日期Dates: 7/1, 14/1, 21/1, 18/1, 4/2, 11/2, 18/2, 25/2, 4/3, 11/3, 18/3, 25/3 (12x)
*Any team member can participate in the regular training of another team for free.
隊費 Team Fee: HK$900 (港幣玖佰元 Hong Kong Dollars Nine Hundred) - 現役隊員只需繳付 $820 for existing team members
入隊之後繳付, 隨時歡迎入隊。因惡劣天氣而取消的課節, 不會安排補課及退款。
It is payable after joining the team.
Anyone is welcome to join the team at any time. Sessions canceled due to adverse weather will not be arranged to make up sessions and refunds.
入隊資格: 2017年或之前出生 (五歲或以上)
Entry Requirement: Born in 2017 or before (5 years old or above)
查詢: 93708444 (陳教練), 可用 WhatsApp 查詢
Enquiry: 93708444 (Coach Chan), can use WhatsApp to make your enquiry.
網站: Website:
隊員註冊連結 Link for Registration of Team Member:
AA集訓隊 (啡隊) 特訓班 - 體能協調敏捷訓練班
AAOSquad(Brown Team) Physical & Conditioning Training Special Course
按此報名 Click here to join:
年齡:8-18歲青少年 (教練將按照能力、年齡、身體情況 針對性設立訓練內容)
教練安排:將安排 體能專項教練及定向運動專項精英人士共同教學 !!
體能訓練負責教練 :于偉麗教練 (曾任香港舉重項目 奧運代表隊成員!!並取得多項國際比賽獎項!)
02/01/2022 (日) 18:00-20:00
16/01/2022 (日) 18:00-20:00
20/02/2022 (日) 18:00-20:00
AAOSquad(Brown Team) Physical & Conditioning Training Special Course
Click here to join:
Aim: This training course is fortunate to invite coach Yu Weili who is responsible for core physical training (Coach Yu was once the Hong Kong weightlifting Olympic team and won many international awards.
This special training course is mainly for the comprehensive training of core muscle, balance, reaction and muscle power to improve one's own ability and prevent injuries!!!
Number of people: 12 (priorities are given to different AA orienteering teams)
Age: 8-18 years old (training contents will be set according to ability, age and physical condition of team members)
Training location: Private gym in Tuen Mun (indoor)
Registration Deadline: 30/12/2021
Training arrangements:
02/01/2022 (Sun.) 18:00-20:00
16/01/2022 (Sun.) 18:00-20:00
20/02/2022 (Sun.) 18:00-20:00
Fees for the entire period (January to February 2022): $600 (3 lessons)
The favorable fee for team members participating in AAOTeam during the same period: $500 (3 lessons)
Single registration (subject to availability): $250/lesson
Ocation 定向假期 兒童中距離定向連環學習賽
Children's Middle Distance Orienteering Series Learning Competition
按此報名 Click here to join:
日期時間:2021年12月29-30日 9:00 - 17:30
只設 W12 和 M12 兩組,以各人三場最佳平均分排名;每組頭三名獲獎牌。
所有學員必須在每場比賽全程拍片,及紀錄 GPS 軌跡,完賽後與教練即時、詳細、深入檢討。
陳志成 (香港定向總會註冊三級教練)、饒戈 (香港定向總會註冊一級教練)、袁宏基(香港定向總會註冊一級教練)。
1. 2009 - 2012 之間出生 (2012 出生的賽員作賽時必須有家長跟隨,但不得提供指示或技術協助)
2. 曾完成最少兩次中長距離定向賽程 (包括第一或第二階段定向訓練、屬會訓練;必須提供證明)
3. 並非現役、亦非2022年青少年集訓隊/青少年發展集訓隊成員。
9:00 -10:30 寳馬山作賽;
10:30-12:00 技術檢討學習;
12:00-14:00 午膳及前往下午賽區;
14:00-15:30 鴨仔山作賽 (2021年香港定向排名聯賽-中/長距離賽區);
15:30-17:00 技術檢討學習。
9:00 -10:30 青衣作賽;
10:30-12:00 技術檢討學習;
12:00-14:00 午膳及前往下午賽區;
14:00-15:30 下花山作賽 (2021年香港定向排名聯賽-中/長距離賽區);
15:30-17:00 技術檢討學習;
17:00-17:30 總結及頒獎。
活動收費:每人$800 (不包交通及膳食費用)
按此報名 Click here to join:
查詢 Enquiry:
Whatsapp: 94536093
Parent Group, AA Orienteering Team
訓練期: 2022年1月至2023年12月
Training Period: Jan. 2022 to Dec. 2023
紫隊 Purple Team:
逢星期一 5pm-7pm Every Mon.
香港單車館公園 (中央草坪)
Hong Kong Velodrome Park (Central Lawn)
橙隊 Orange Team:
逢星期三 5pm-7pm Every Wed.
香港公園 (奧林匹克廣場)
Hong Kong Park (Olympic Square)
紅隊 Red Team:
逢星期五 5pm-7pm0pm Every Fri.
荔枝角公園 (露天劇場)
Lai Chi Kok Park (Amphitheatre)
隊費 Team Fee: HK$900 (本期隊費完全豁免 The team fee is completely waived for this period)
報名資格: 現役隊員的父母
Entry Requirement: Parents of current AA Team Members
報名連結 Registration Link:
查詢: 93708444 (陳教練), 可用 WhatsApp 查詢
Enquiry: 93708444 (Coach Chan), can use WhatsApp to make your enquiry.
網站: Website:
Sun. 2022.1.9 (星期日)
AA Team Wu Kai Sha Youth Village Day Camp Sprint Practice
(日營 B: 09:00-21:00)
上午課: 10:00-12:00
下午課: 14:00-16:00
短距賽練習 (3 條不同長度賽程)
路線選擇分析 (文惠庭教練)
HK$200 (包日營費)
你獲接納報名之後, 會收到繳費通知。
Can enter the camp at any time throughout the day
Free access to camp facilities including swimming pool
(Day Camp B: 09:00-21:00
Main activities:
AATeam Sprint Practice
Choice either class:
10:00-12:00 Morning Class: 10:00-12:00
下14:00-16:00 Afternoon Class: 14:00-16:00
Training Content:
Sprint Map Key Legend
Sprint Course Practice (3 different length courses)
oute Choice Analysis (Coach Man Wai Tin)
Rerun the sprint courses after analysis
HK$200 (including Day Camp Fee)
Accompanying parent only pay $40 day camp fee
You will receive a payment notification after your application is accepted
Please register before 11pm on Dec. 29 (Thur.)
in order to pay the camp fee according to the actual number of registration.
網上報名表連結 Registration Link:
Practice for Selection Test of OAHK Development Squad
2021年12月9日星期四 2:30pm-5:30pm
元朗 丫髻山 (與錦田圓山最相似的賽區)
2:15pm 港鐵天水圍站 E1 出口
2:30pm 蝦尾新村
回程: 經蝦尾新村返回港鐵天水圍站 E1 出口 (6pm)
將出席香港定向總會2022年發展集訓隊選拔測試的 AA 定向隊隊員
1 對 4 (或以下)
1) 1-1.5公里越野跑
2) 正置地圖測試
3) 指北針運用測試
4) 理解等高線與地形
5) 越野式定向
費用: HK$300
網上報名表連結 Registration Link:
截止報名: 2021年12月7日星期二 23:59時
2021年12月18日星期六 2pm-4:30pm 錦田圓山
2021.10.18 沿徑定向網上體驗班(精確賽和速決賽)
2021.10.18 Trail-O Online Taster Class (pre-O and temp-O)
日期:18/10/2021 (一)
費用:$50 (接受報名之後, 會收到繳費通知。)
報名: https://forms.gle/QehxbCYBofGk3iyV9
截止:17/10/2021 (日) 晚上九點
2021.10.23 AA定向隊 特備中距離野外定向練習
2021.10.23 Special Middle Distance Orienteering Practice for AA Orienteering Team
2021年10月23日星期六 10:15-13:15 Sat., 23/10/2021
香港仔郊野公園 Aberdeen Country Park
登記處: 香港仔郊野公園遊客中心 (香港仔傷健樂園燒烤區1號場小食亭)
Place of registration: Aberdeen country park visitor Centre (Kiosk, Aberdeen P.H.A.B. Barbecue Area Site 1)
出發時段 Start Time: 10:15-12:15
Choose start time by yourself
特色賽程 Special Courses:
1. 賽程 Course B: Easy 容易 - 易走路網 Easy Footpath Network
長度 Length: 2500m
Climb: less than 70m 以下
控制點 Controls: 10
目的: 享受野在野外跑定向的樂趣
Purpose: Enjoy the fun of running orienteering in wild
2. 賽程 Course A: - 中等難度 Medium Level
長度 Length: 3400m
Climb: less than 90m 以下
控制點 Controls: 10
目的: 路線選擇及 3S (路口停步、正置地圖 及 選擇前進路段)
Purpose: Route Choice and 3S (Stop, Set Map and Select)
歡迎全玩兩條賽程! Welcome to play both two courses!
費用 Fee: 每位 $70 per head
Pay on-site or make bank transfer as usual in advance.
網上報名 Registration Online :
截止報名 Deadline : 10月20日 星期三 10pm, Wed., 20/10
備註: 不足十歲的參加者必須有成人陪同練習
Remarks: Participants under ten years old must be accompanied by an adult to practice.
2021/2022 學界定向錦標賽
Joint School Orienteering Championships 2021/2022
香港定向總會 - Orienteering Association of Hong Kong
學界公園定向錦標賽 - Joint School Park Orienteering Championships
Sat. 2022-01-15 (六)
系溪沙青年新村 Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village
Eventor World:
報名連結 Enrollment Link:
(報名未開始 Entry is not yet open.)
截止報名 Entry Deadline:
學界公園定向錦標賽 - Joint School Park Orienteering Championships
Sat. 2022-01-22 (六)
系溪沙青年新村 Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village
Eventor World:
報名連結 Enrollment Link:
(報名未開始 Entry is not yet open.)
截止報名 Entry Deadline:
學界公園定向錦標賽 - Joint School Park Orienteering Championships
Sat. 2022-01-29 (六)
系溪沙青年新村 Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village
Eventor World:
報名連結 Enrollment Link:
(報名未開始 Entry is not yet open.)
截止報名 Entry Deadline:
學界分區野外定向錦標賽 - Joint School District Orienteering Championships
Sat. 2022-03-19 (六)
丫髻山 Ah Kai Shan
Eventor World:
報名連結 Enrollment Link:
(報名未開始 Entry is not yet open.)
截止報名 Entry Deadline:
學界分區野外定向錦標賽-決賽 - Joint School District Orienteering Championships-Final
Sat. 2022-03-26 (六)
坪洲 Peng Chau
Eventor World:
報名連結 Enrollment Link:
(報名未開始 Entry is not yet open.)
截止報名 Entry Deadline:
2021-2022 AA定向集訓隊 (主要針對中長距離)
2021-2022 AA Orienteering Squad (Mainly for Middle/Long Distance)
a. 因應香港定向集訓隊選拔要求以中長距離(野外)成績作為參考,故此訓練將會以「野外為主、公園為輔」。
b. 並會配合 AA定向隊 (AA Orienteering Team) 的恆常訓練(星期五紅隊或星期三橙隊), 相輔相成。
c. 將會在每場香港定向總會排名聯賽及各大公開定向賽, 委派教練駐場做賽前、賽後的支援, 不另收費。
按週期計算、每期中包含:1課技術理論及 4課技術訓練
當中:每期第1課為 技術理論、最後1課技術訓練設有階段總結及檢討。
a. 將會安排AA Team 教練及現役/退役精英運動員、有國際比賽及國際訓練經驗的運動員/教練現身說法進行指導及授課。
b. 而課程內容設計方面,更邀請到有香港排名聯賽路線設計經驗的人士進行協助設計。
c. 將會在每場香港定向總會排名聯賽及各大公開定向賽, 委派教練駐場做賽前、賽後的支援, 不另收費。
d. 並不定期有機會會開設特殊課節,邀請不同領域的精英人士進行演講,甚至親身到場進行指導。
越野跑 & 中長跑 (梁達威教練 - 香港紀錄保持者);
健力 (于偉麗女士 - 香港前奧運代表隊成員);
三項鐵人 (黃熙蔚先生 - 香港代表隊成員)等,各個領域的精英人士
測試日期:05/11 (地點待定) 與 AAOT(Red Team)同場進行
***AA Orienteering Team Regular Training (Friday Red Team or Wednesday Orange Team) AA定向隊恆常訓練(星期五紅隊或星期三橙隊)***
理論課: 5/11 晚 (時間地點待定)
(如有經濟困難的參加者可以電郵向:aateam.aaos@gmail.com 申報費用減免)
早鳥優惠 9/10/2021前: $1500 (17小時教學)
香港代表隊 及 香港集訓隊
Hong Kong Team and National Squads
香港定向總會資訊 OAHK News 2021-10-04
Squad Recruitment 2022 (Chineseversion only)
世界迷宮定向賽暨本地挑戰 World Maze Race 2021 cum Local Challenge
2021年10月1日星期五 10:00-14:00 Fri., 1/10/2021
南生圍 Nam Sang Wai
登記處: 南生圍 大草地
Place of registration: Grassland, Nam Sang Wai
出發時段 Starting Time: 10:30-13:30*
*現場選擇出發時間 Choose starting time on-site
費用 Fee: 每位 $50 per head
Please refer to the bulletin for details of the transfer method.
賽事年曆 Event Calendar - Eventor World:
Pictures and Videos
Official Course and Maps - World Maze Race 2021
Practice Courses - World Maze Race 2021
Results Local Challenge (Excel File)
Results Local Challenge (PDF File)
Results World Maze Race 2021 (Global Results)
通告 Bulletin
網上報名 Registration Online :
賽事年曆 Event calendar (Eventor World):
官方網站 Official website:
截止報名 Deadline : 9月30日 星期四 5pm, Thur., 30/9
聯絡 Contact :
clement@apexaction.com, WhatsApp 93708444
Hong Kong Orienteering Ranking League-Middle/Long
香港定向總會資訊 OAHK News 2021-09-27
HK Ranking League 2021 - Open Application for all members(Chinese version only)
香港定向總會資訊 OAHK News 2021-09-17
2021年香港定向排名聯賽 (短距離 及 中/長距離) 最新資訊
Information of Hong Kong Ranking League 2021 (Sprint and Middle/Long, Chinese only)
香港定向總會資訊 OAHK News 2021-09-07
HK Ranking League 2021 - Middle/Long (Chinese only)
RL-1 (Middle/Long)
Sun. 2021-10-10 (日)
掌牛山 Cheung Ngau Shan
賽事取消了 Event Cancelled
Eventor World:
報名連結 Enrollment Link:
截止報名 Entry Deadline: 2021-09-26
RL-2 (Middle/Long)
Sun. 2021-11-14 (日)
排頭坑 Pai Tau Hang
Eventor World:
報名連結 Enrollment Link:
(報名未開始 Entry is not yet open.)
截止報名 Entry Deadline:
RL-3 (Middle/Long)
Sun. 2021-12-12 (日)
鴨仔山 Duckling Hill
Eventor World:
報名連結 Enrollment Link:
(報名未開始 Entry is not yet open.)
截止報名 Entry Deadline:
RL-4 (Middle/Long)
Sun. 2021-12-26 (日)
長洲 Cheung Chau
Eventor World:
報名連結 Enrollment Link:
(報名未開始 Entry is not yet open.)
截止報名 Entry Deadline:
Hong Kong Orienteering Ranking League-Sprint
香港定向總會資訊 OAHK News 2021-09-17
2021年香港定向排名聯賽 (短距離 及 中/長距離) 最新資訊
Information of Hong Kong Ranking League 2021 (Sprint and Middle/Long,Chinese only)
RL-1 (Sprint)
Sun. 2021-10-31 (日)
YMCA Lamma Island Outdoor Centre
Eventor World:
報名連結 Enrollment Link:
截止報名 Entry Deadline: 2021-10-17
RL-2 (Sprint)
Sun. 2021-11-27 (日)
PLK Jockey Club Tai Tong Holiday Camp
Eventor World:
報名連結 Enrollment Link:
(報名未開始 Entry is not yet open.)
截止報名 Entry Deadline:
RL-3 (Sprint)
Sun. 2021-12-27 (日
馬灣 Ma Wan
Eventor World:
報名連結 Enrollment Link:
(報名未開始 Entry is not yet open.)
截止報名 Entry Deadline:
2021.9.25 AA特備中距離野外定向練習
Special Middle Distance Orienteering Practice
2021年9月25日星期六 14:00-17:00 Sat., 25/9/2021
寶馬山 Braemar Hill
登記處: 寶馬山道遊樂場
Place of registration: Braemar Hill Road Playground
出發時段 Start Time: 14:00-15:30
Choose start time by yourself
特色賽程 Special Courses:
1. Easy 容易 - 易走路網 Easy Footpath Network
長度 Length: 3000m
Climb: less than 130m 以下
控制點 Controls: 12+
目的: 練習正置地圖、路線選擇
Purpose: Set Map, Route Choice
2. Open 公開 - 中等難度 Medium Level
長度 Length: 5000m
Climb: less than 200m 以下
控制點 Controls: less than 16 個以內
目的: 體驗野外定向的典型地形
Purpose: Experience a typical orienteering terrain
費用 Fee: 每位 $70 per head
Pay on-site or make bank transfer as usual in advance.
費用豁免條件 Fee Waiver Conditions :
Complete the registration of AA Team Member (Oct.-Dec. 2021)
on or before 25/9/2021.
註隊員冊連結 Link for Registration of Team Member:
網上報名 Registration Online :
截止報名 Deadline : 9月25日 星期五 10pm, Fri., 25/9
備註: 不足十歲的參加者必須有成人陪同練習
Remarks: Participants under ten years old must be accompanied by an adult to practice.
AA定向隊隊員註冊 (2021年10月-12月)
Team Member Registration for AA Orienteering Team (Oct.-Dec. 2021)
註隊員冊連結 Link for Registration of Team Member:
訓練期: 2021年10月至12月
Training Period: Oct. to Dec. 2021
紅隊 Red Team:
逢星期五 4:30-6:30pm Every Fri.
荔枝角公園 (露天劇場)
Lai Chi Kok Park (Amphitheatre)
橙隊 Orange Team:
逢星期三 4:30-6:30pm Every Wed.
香港公園 (奧林匹克廣場)
Hong Kong Park (Olympic Square)
紫隊 Purple Team:
逢星期一 4:30-6:30pm Every Mon.
香港單車館公園 (中央草坪)
Hong Kong Velodrome Park (Central Lawn)
*Any team member can participate in the regular training of another team for free.
隊費 Team Fee: HK$900 (港幣玖佰元 Hong Kong Dollars Nine Hundred)
入隊之後繳付, 隨時歡迎入隊。
It is payable after joining the team.
Anyone is welcome to join the team at any time.
入隊資格: 2015年或之前出生 (六歲或以上)
Entry Requirement: Born in 2015 or before (6 years old or above)
查詢: 93708444 (陳教練), 可用 WhatsApp 查詢
Enquiry: 93708444 (Coach Chan), can use WhatsApp to make your enquiry.
網站: Website:
隊員註冊連結 Link for Registration of Team Member:
TerraX 迷宮對決 2021
TerraX Mazerun Battle 2021
Sun 2021-09-18 (日) 13:00-15:00
觀塘 Kwun Tong
報名 Register:
截止報名 Entry Deadline: 2021-09-14
賽事網站 Event Website:
Middle Distance Orienteering Special Training Course
2021-09-11 2021-09-19 2021-09-25 2021-10-23
截止報名 Entry Deadline: 2021-08-28
Scroll down the page to view the English Version
理論課 (Zoom): 9月8日(三)21:00-22:00
實習課一: 9月11日(六)09:00-13:00
實習課二: 9月19日(日)13:00-17:00
實習課三: 9月25日(六)09:00-13:00
實習課四: 9月23日(六)09:00-13:00
負責教練: 文惠庭 (三級定向教練)、陳志成 (三級定向教練)、饒戈 (一級定向教練)
1. AATeam 成員優先;
2. 2011年或之前出生;
3. 將會報名2021年10月舉行的兩場中長距離排名聯賽;
4. 有中長距離定向比賽經驗者優先;
5. 積極出席 AATeam 訓練及積極參與定向比賽者優先。
收費:每人每課$200; 最少報三課實習課;必須出席理論課(不另收費)。
報名: WhatsApp 陳志成教練
Middle Distance Orienteering Special Training Course
Dates and time:
Theory lesson (via Zoom) Sept 8 (wed) 21:00-22:00
Practical training 1: Sept 11 (Sat) 13:00-17:00
Practical training 2: Sept 19 (Sun) 09:00-13:00
Practical training 3: Sept 25 (Sat) 09:00-13:00
Practical training 4: Oct 23 (Sat) 09:00-13:00
Training venue: Ah Kai Shan, Shek Lung Kung, Ngau Liu, Braemar Hill, Yuen Tun or Sze Lok Yuen (Tai Mo Shan)
Coaches: MAN Wai Wai Tin (L3 O Coach), Clement CHAN (L3 O Coach), YIU Vor (L1 O Coach)
Quota: 9 trainees
Admission criteria:
1. AATeam members have priority;
2. Born in 2011 or before;
3. Join the 2 middle orienteering ranking events in Oct. 2021;
4. Experience on middle O events has priority;
5. Actively participated in training and competitions has priority;
Charges: $200 per lesson per head, at least apply for 3 practical trainings.
The theory lesson is mandatory but free of charge.
Application: WhatsApp Coach Chan
Deadline: August 28
Hong Kong Mountain Bike Orienteering Championship (II)
Sun. 2021-08-29 (星期日)
立即報名 Register now: https://forms.gle/Z7LGGL78TVL4CL4f8
截止報名 Entry Deadline: 2021-08-23
Scroll down the page to view the English Version
日期時間:2021年 8月 29日 (星期日) 上午 10:00 - 下午1:00
截止報名日期:2021年8月23日 (先報先得、額滿即止)
地點:坪洋 https://forms.gle/Z7LGGL78TVL4CL4f8
U17女子少年組 (2004或之後出生)
U17男子少年組 (2004或之後出生)
U20女子青年組 (2001或之後出生)
U20男子青年組 (2001或之後出生)
女子公開組 (2009或之前出生)
男子公開組 (2009或之前出生)
親子組 (小朋友2010或之後出生,為鼓勵親子,必須由母親或父親陪同作賽)。
比賽規則:按國際定向聯盟 IOF 規定 https://orienteering.sport/mtbo/
配額:參賽人數上限35人,先報先得 (以成功繳費時間為準,已繳費而未能獲得比賽名額者,可獲全數退款)。
為促進不同組別人士均衡參與,每組配額 5人,先滿足每組配額,到截止日期各組若有餘額撥歸其他較多人申請的組別。
最佳路線距離:~7 公里
限時 90分鐘
報名費用:HK$100 Whatsapp
主辦機構:晉峰行動 (香港定向總會屬會)
立即報名: https://forms.gle/Z7LGGL78TVL4CL4f8
Hong Kong Mountain Bike Orienteering Championship (II)
Date and time: August 29, 2021 (Sunday) 10:00am-1:00pm
Deadline for Registration: August 23, 2021 (on a first-come, first-served basis)
Venue: Ping Yeung https://forms.gle/Z7LGGL78TVL4CL4f8
U17 Women Junior (born in 2004 or later)
U17 Men Junior (born in 2004 or later)
U20 Women Youth (born in 2001 or later)
U20 Men Youth (born in 2001 or later)
Women's Open (born in 2009 or before)
Men's Open (born in 2009 or before)
Family (children born in 2010 or later,
in order to encourage enhancing parent-child relationship, children must be accompanied by parents).
Prizes: The best 3 in each class will be awarded
Requirements for Bike: Mountain bikes with front fork suspension and front/rear tires with a width of 2 inches or more.
Competition rules: according to IOF rules https://orienteering.sport/mtbo/
Anti-epidemic measures:
The start interval will be at least 2 minutes for all competitors.
Competitors must not gather and wait in the start and finish areas; a competitor must wear a mask at all times except during periods of vigorous physical activity.
Quota: The maximum number of participants is 35, on a first-come, first-served basis
(subject to the time of successful payment, and those who have paid but failed to obtain the competition quota will receive a full refund).
In order to promote the balanced participation of different classes of people,
each class has a quota of 5 people, and each class of quota is met first.
By the deadline, it will be allocated to other classes that more people have applied for if there is a balance in each class.
The distance of the best route: ~7km
Estimated winning time: 30 minutes
Time limit: 90 minutes
Entry fee: HK$100
Whatsapp query: 92089647
Organizer: Apex Action (Affiliated to the Orienteering Association of Hong Kong)
Register now: https://forms.gle/Z7LGGL78TVL4CL4f8
Y2Y 公園定向巡迴賽2021
Park Orienteering Tournament 2021
Group Registration for AA Orienteering Team - Enjoy Special Discount!
第六站 Stage 6
Sat. 2021-11-20(六) 15:00-18:00
圓洲角 Whampoa
賽事網站 Event Website:
https://park.orienteering.hk/截止報名 Entry Deadline: 2021-11-15
AATeam Wu Kai Sha Youth Village Day Camp Experience Race
Fri. 2021-08-13 (星期五)
Scroll down the page to view the English Version
Online Registration Link:
可全日任何時間入營 - 自由享用營地設施包括游泳池
主項活動: AA定向隊體驗賽
17:30-18:45 越野式體驗賽
順序到訪所有地圖上的控制點, 根據完成時間計算成績。
19:30-20:30 黑夜奪分式體驗賽
限時 45分鐘, 每遲到一分童扣10分, 不足一分鐘作一分鐘計。
根據積分計算成績, 積分相同者, 以完成時間較短者為勝。
1. 挑戰組 (>2.5km)
2. 高級組 (>2km)
3. 中級組 (>1.5km)
4. 體驗組 (>1km 容易)
獎勵: 各組前三名 (獎品鼓勵)
越野式體驗賽 (17:30-18:45)
黑夜奪分式體驗賽 (19:30-20:30)
19:30 集體出發
1. 因為定向隊每星期皆有訓練, 如未能參加是項活動的隊員, 請諒解不會安排補課;
2. 歡迎家長報名參加是項日營體驗賽, 於安全的封閉營地體驗定向運動;
3. 體驗組不必使用指南針;
4. 將於8月9日星期一公告活動詳情, 如: 比賽資料和出發名單等。
費用: 每位 HK$70 (包括營費及比賽雜項使費)
請於7月26日星期日晚上11時之前報名, 以便翌日根據報名人數繳交營費。
AATeam Wu Kai Sha Youth Village Day Camp Experience Race
Fri. 2021-08-13
Online Registration Link:
Can enter the camp at any time throughout the day.
Free access to camp facilities including swimming pool.
Main activities: AATeam Experience Races
17:30-18:45 Cross Country Experience Event
Visit all control points on the map sequentially.
Calculate the result based on the time used.
19:30-20:30 Night Score Experience Event
Time limit 45 minutes, 10 points deducted for every minute late,
less than one minute is calculated as one minute.
Calculate the result by the cumulative score, if the points are the same,
the shorter time used wins.
1. Challenge (>2.5km)
2. Advanced (>2km)
3. Intermediate (>1km)
4. Experience (>1km Easy)
(May ask the group coach to recommend the class)
Rewards: the top three in each class (prizes)
Start time:
Cross Country Experience Event (17:30-18:45)
Arrange the start time by drawing lots in advance
For the experience class, will choose on-site the start time between 17:30-14:00
Night Score Experience Event (19:30-20:30)
19:30 Mass Start
1. Because the AATeam has training every week, if a team member fails to participate in this activity,
please understand that no make-up classes will be arranged;
2. Parents are welcome to sign up for this day camp experience race,
experience orienteering in a safe closed camp;
3. Take part in experience class does not need to use the compass;
4. The details will be announced on Mon., August 9, such as: event information and the start list, etc.
Fee: HK$70 per person
(including day camp fee and miscellaneous race expenses)
Please register before 11pm on July 26 (Sunday),
in order to pay the camp fee according to the actual number of registration.
AATeam Wu Kai Sha Youth Village Day Camp Experience Race
Fri. 2021.08.13 (星期五)
Online Registration Link:
2021香港野外定向會GPS 定向系列二
Group Registration for AA Orienteering Team
HKOC GPS Orienteering Series 2 2021
Will ask you to pay for the entry fee after your online registration.
分站 6 Stage 6
Sat. 2021-08-21(六) 10:00-15:00
長洲 Cheung Chau
賽事網站 Event Website:
截止報名 Entry Deadline: 2021-08-17
AA定向隊 第一階段及第二階段野外定向訓練班
截止報名 Entry Deadline: 2021-07-20
2021年7月31日(六) 5pm-7pm 地點待定
2021年8月1日(日) 青衣
2021年8月14日(六) 5pm-7pm 地點待定
2021年8月8日(日) 荃錦坳 牛寮
2021年8月15日(日)荃錦坳 扶輪公園(或牛寮)
費用 (不包括證書費):
HK$200 (AA定向隊隊員/家長)
HK$400 (非AA定向隊隊員/家長)
HK$300 (AA定向隊隊員/家長)
HK$600 (非AA定向隊隊員/家長)
第一階段證書: HK$30
第二階段證書: HK$40
由 1 對 6, 改為 1 對 3 的小班教學:
上午實習課 08:30-12:30 或
下午實習課 14:00-18:00
香港之巔螢火蟲跑 - 跑步+定向+賞螢
The Top of Hong Kong Firefly Run
Running+Orienteering+Firefly Appreciation
報名連結 Link for registration:
(活動完結 Activity Completed)
截止報名 Entry Deadline: 2021-07-27
奔上香港最高點,看香港特有螢火蟲 - 大帽山扁螢 Lamprigera taimoshana
Run to the top of Hong Kong,
meet the Hong Kong Endemic Firefly - Tai Mo Shan Elephant Firefly
Stream Flicker and other fireflies are also available during the activity
主辦 Organizers:香港昆蟲學會 Hong Kong Entomological Society、晉峰行動 Apex Action
形式:參加者完成2.5公里上山跑賽程,獲發定向賞螢地圖(未能完成賽程者不獲發地圖、亦不會獲退回報名費用),根據定向賞螢地圖到達控制點(即賞螢點)賞螢, 部份賞螢點有導賞員講解,參加者亦可根據地圖背面提供的每個賞螢點的資料自行觀賞。
Format: A Firefly Appreciation Orienteering Map will be provided to each runner who have completed the 2.5 km uphill running course.
No map will be given to runners who have not completed the course and there will be no refund. Runners follow the map to reach the control points (= the firefly appreciation points).
Some points would have docents. Runner may also refer to the information printed at the back of the map to learn about the fireflies present at each point.
日期 Dates:2021年7月31日或2021年8月1日(參加者自由選擇其中一日) July 31(Sat) or August 1(Sun), 2021 (Choose either one)
Tai Mo Shan Fireflies Webinar (Exclusive to participants to this event) :
2021年7月29日 July 29 2021 9:45pm - 10:15pm
時間 Time:最早跑步出發時間18:00,最遲跑步出發時間19:00,各人出發時間由大會安排。定向賞螢地圖 19:15,於終點開始向完成跑步賽程者派 發,一人獲發一張。
Start time of individual runner is arranged by the organiser. Earliest start time 18:00, latest start time
19:00. At 19:15, Firefly Appreciation Orienteering Maps will start to be distributed at the finishing point.
One map for each runner. Each runner go freely to the firefly appreciation points by the guidance of the map and leave at their own time.
All docents and workers will left at 21:45.
MOPC Sprint Orienteering Series 2021
Event Details and Registration:
第四站「城」🌃 Stage 4 「City」
Sun. 2021-11-07 (日) 14:00-18:00
耀安 Yiu On
賽事網站 Event Website:
截止報名 Entry Deadline: 2021-10-31
(早鳥報名經已截止 Early Bird Entry is closed)
Str8 x TerraX 短途巡迴賽2021
Str8 x TerraX Sprint Orienteering Tournament 2021
Group Registration for AA Orienteering Team
第五回合 Round 5
Sat. 2021-11-06 (六) 14:00-18:00
荃灣石圍角 Shek Wai Kok, Tsuen Wan
形式 Type: 越野式 [順序到訪控制點] X-country Sprint
賽事網站 Event Website:
截止報名 Entry Deadline: 2021-11-01
第六回合 Round 6
Sat. 2021-12-04 (六) 14:00-18:00
葵涌 Kwai Chung
形式 Type: 越野式 [順序到訪控制點] X-country Sprint
賽事網站 Event Website:
截止報名 Entry Deadline: 2021-11-29
Pro-Active 短距離系列賽2021
Pro-Active Sprint Orienteering 2021
Link of Registration:
第七站 Stage 7
Sat. 2021-11-06 (六) 18:30-21:30
慈雲山 Tsz Wan Shan
形式 Type: 黑夜奪分式 Night Score Event
賽事網站 Event Website:
截止報名 Entry Deadline: 2021-10-31
第八站 Stage 8
Sat. 2021-11-20 (六) 18:30-21:30
順天 Shun Tin
形式 Type: 黑夜越野式 Night Cross Country Event
賽事網站 Event Website:
截止報名 Entry Deadline: 2021-11-14
總決賽 Final Stage
Sun. 2021-12-05 (日) 14:00-17:00
保密 Keep Secret
賽事網站 Event Website:
截止報名 Entry Deadline: 2021-11-28